贵宾区用英语怎么说 贵宾区的英语翻译

生活学习2023-08-04 09:00:32ヤ大笨潴( ̄oo, ̄)

贵宾区英语是"VIP section",还经常被译作 VIP Area,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到75个与贵宾区相关短语翻译和用法。

DomainCote VIP Center ( 玉米贵宾区 )

贵宾区用英语怎么说 贵宾区的英语翻译

VIP lounge vip rest area VIP AREA ( 贵宾休息区 )

1. -i bught you V.i.P. press kits.

2. "Hey Atlanta, we need champae on the banquettes"

3. Then how do we get into the ViP om?

4. Take a glance and then you'll Be o guest, oui, o guest

5. They are o honored guests.

6. The visitor will be restrained.

7. - is she in the owner's box? - Maybe.

8. Now, if you'll follow me, i'll take you up to o ViP lounge.

9. And if so, is he in the ViP section there?

10. Over here will be the V.i.P. Area.
