千羽鹤用英语怎么说 千羽鹤的英语翻译

生活学习2023-08-05 11:02:24落水寒冰

千羽鹤英语是" Senba zu",还可以翻译为 Thousand Cranes,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到18个与千羽鹤相关翻译和例句。

1. i thin i will go to see Chizuo.

千羽鹤用英语怎么说 千羽鹤的英语翻译

2. Blga: a large grey Australian crane.

3. For many this is their first joney acss the Himalayas.

4. The demoiselles begin to levitate upwards, as if by magic.

5. The Time Budgets of Behaviors of Demoiselle Crane in Captivity in Breeding Season

6. Chizu tells us how hard it is.

7. Mr Director, phone call for you.

8. Ah, Jung Hak. He is called Myun Jung Hak.

9. it's tumn acss the northern steppes of Asia and flocks of demoiselle cranes are heading south for the winter.

译文:亚澳篇 现在 北方原是秋季 成群蓑羽鹤飞往南方过冬。

10. Body Temperate Regulation of Nestlings of Red - cwned, White- napped and Demoiselle Cranes
