论语为政用英语怎么说 论语为政英语翻译

生活学习2023-08-05 22:42:21拥你心安

论语为政通常被翻译为"lack of coordination"意思,在常中也可以翻译为"the Analects",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到49个与论语为政相关短语释义和例句。

1. Lunyu was not the lowest form of argumentations in pre-qin dynasty.

2. What about Bussard, forensic linguisti?

论语为政用英语怎么说 论语为政英语翻译

3. i used to work for the government.

4. Copy conius' The Analects ten times and give it to me before dinner.

5. A view that, uh, tubled the government...

6. Some day that word will become politically incorrect.

7. Selling drugs for the government.

8. it's a discretionary op. You're arguing semanti.

9. The Spitual images of the Lunyu School

10. Do you think the government abandoned?

11. As the istration's representative,

12. That's Conius, isn't it?

13. You make weapons for the government?
