compensating是什么意思 compensating的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-07 16:06:22邮友

1. 词汇意义方面:'compensating' 是动词 compensate 的现在分词形式,意为“补偿、赔偿、弥补”。该词用于描述在遭受损失或不利情况后通过一定方式或手段取得的补偿或赔偿。

2. 经济财务方面:'compensating' 可以指企业或组织对员工或合作伙伴的补偿,通常以货币形式给予。比如,公司为因加班而导致的员工产生额外的费用进行补偿。

compensating是什么意思 compensating的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 社会法律方面:在法律上,'compensating'可以指因失去身体机能、生命、财产等而被判决支付的赔偿金额。比如,在交通事故中,作为肇事者,需要向受害方进行赔偿。


1. The company will be compensating employees for the extra hours they have put in over the past few months. 公司将为员工在过去几个月加班所产生的额外费用进行补偿。

2. The government has promised to compensate homeowners affected by the flood damage. 承诺会赔偿因洪水灾害而受损的房屋业主。

3. She was compensated for the loss of her luggage during the flight. 她因在飞行途中遗失行李而获得了赔偿。

4. The court ordered the company to compensate the victim's family for the loss of life. 法院命令公司向受害者家属支付因失去生命所需的赔偿。

5. The insurance policy will compensate you for any damage to your car. 保险政策将为您的汽车遭受的任何损坏进行赔偿。





1. The company will be compensating its employees for the loss caused by the pandemic. (公司将补偿员工因疫情造成的损失。)

2. The government is compensating the residents affected by the construction of the new highway. (正在补偿受新公路建设影响的居民。)
