没落贵族用英语怎么说 没落贵族英语翻译

生活学习2023-08-08 09:56:20青衣

没落贵族英语是"declining astocrat",还可以翻译为 declining astocrat,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到85个与没落贵族相关短语翻译和用法。

没落贵族翻译为 an astocratic decadent woman -。

没落贵族用英语怎么说 没落贵族英语翻译


Instead he was a yeoman, not a peasant, knight or disposed Nobleman, and he wasn't n a social rebel.

1. The hotel has an air of faded gentility.

2. The rank, title, or jusdiction of a peer or peeress; a duchy, marquisate, county, viscountcy, or bany.

3. Talk about the dumbing down of Ameca.

4. - "The "Astocrats." - "The "Astocrats."

5. ♪ He can only have Sunday communion ♪

6. it would do for fallen yalty, it's so mantic.

7. - Ever? That's a long time.

8. Kyle thinks The Times has gone downhill.

9. yo mace a change of under armor?

10. "The "Astocrats." - "The "Asto..." - "(Lghter)"

11. The decline of the astocracy ?

12. Seously, how are you not running out of here?

13. - "Noblemen of Westes, the Nig-- the Night's Watch... implores..."

14. And he says, "The Astocrats!"

15. The opera business is down, try to make living by selling
