scratches是什么意思 scratches的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-08 11:30:22橘妹


scratches是什么意思 scratches的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. suce scratches:表面划痕

2. deep scratches:深刻的划痕

3. scratch the suce:潜在的、表面的了解

4. scratch one's head:疑惑不解

5. scratch and sniff:刮一刮、闻一闻

发音拼写: [skrtz]


1. She got a few scratches on her arm when she fell off her bicycle.(她从自行车上摔下来,手臂上有几道划痕。)

2. The table has several scratches on it.(桌子上有几道划痕。)

3. I couldn't find the keyhole and ended up scratching the door.(我找不到钥匙孔,最终把门划伤了。)

4. He scratches his head whenever he is faced with a difficult problem.(每当面临一个困难的问题,他总是挠头。)

5. The children had fun with the scratch and sniff stickers.(孩子们喜欢用刮一刮、闻一闻的贴纸玩。)




1. He got some scratches on his arms and legs after falling off his bike.(他从自行车上摔下来后,手臂和腿上有一些擦伤。)

2. There are some scratches on the suce of the car caused by a tree branch.(汽车表面有一些树枝引起的划痕。)

3. The cat left some scratches on the sofa.(猫在沙发上留下了一些抓痕。)




例句:What about the phantom scratches, tire punctures and the invisible killer? (那关于刮痕和刺破的轮胎呢 那隐形杀手又什么解释呢)


例句:Scratches are a breeding ground for germs. (如果出现刮伤的话 细菌就会在里面滋生 这必须得预防)


例句:one of the United States, as there have been printed on the cover is the American side has all the scratches, rework. (一个是美国的,由于印品封面出现了划痕,被美方全部返工。)


例句:Grandpa pointed to the scratches opposite the dent Kevin had made. (翻译:爷爷指着凯文留下的凹痕对面的划痕。)


scratches一般作为名词使用,如在glacial scratches(冰川擦痕)、sand scratches(沙擦痕)、scratches out(v. 擦去;划掉)等常见短语中出现较多。

glacial scratches冰川擦痕
sand scratches沙擦痕
scratches outv. 擦去;划掉
scratches together[网络] 划伤在一起
scratches one's head搔头皮;迷惑不解


1. one of the United States, as there have been printed on the cover is the American side has all the scratches, rework. (翻译:一个是美国的,由于印品封面出现了划痕,被美方全部返工。)

2. Grandpa pointed to the scratches opposite the dent Kevin had made. (翻译:爷爷指着凯文留下的凹痕对面的划痕。)

3. Ceramic sink high-temperature, easy to clean, aging resistance, but to avoid collision with the person and scratches. (翻译:陶瓷水槽耐高温、易清洁、耐老化,但是要避免与硬物的碰撞和划伤。)

4. Did you notice any scratches on him, signs ofstruggle? (翻译:你有没有注意到他身上有没有抓伤或打斗的迹象)

5. Just like a gun creates unique rifling impressions on a round, the pressure plate in a camera imprints unique scratches on film. (翻译:就像每把枪会造成独特的弹道痕迹 摄像机的压板会在电影上刻下独特刮痕)

6. And, um, he had big scratches on his face. (翻译:他脸上很几道很长的刮痕 And, um, he had big scratches on his face.)

7. Yeah, well, scratches on his face, he got them being dumped. (翻译:he got them being dumped.)

8. You'll get race results, odds, scratches, pole positions, everything. (翻译:你会收到比赛结果、赔率 场次顺序,和闸门位置等)

9. How'd he explain a couple scratches? (翻译:如果只是无关痛痒的小伤 又有谁会相信他呢?)

10. You can see a few scratches. (翻译:你可以看到有几道刮痕 {\3cH202020}You can see a few scratches.)

11. In amputees, mirrors are used to reflect the remaining limb, which the patient scratches. (翻译:在截肢者身上,用镜子反射尚存的肢体, 代替已截肢的肢体让患者抓痒。)

12. The scratches, the bruises, and the bites (翻译:/The scratches, the bruises,and the bites)

13. Uh, scratches on the bedposts. (翻译:How can you tell? - Uh, scratches on the bedposts.)

14. You mean like angel scratches? (翻译:你是说那种天使抓痕吗 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}You mean like angel scratches?)

15. Martha's chicken scratches. She probably can't even read them. (翻译:玛莎的鬼画符 她自己可能都认不出来写了什么)


