strolled是什么意思 strolled的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-08 13:00:21万箭穿逼


strolled是什么意思 strolled的中文翻译、读音、例句


常用场景:通常用于写作或口语中,形容人在闲暇时或旅行时漫步的情景。例如:He strolled through the park, enjoying the warm sunlight.(他在公园里漫步,享受着温暖的阳光。)

词组搭配:stroll along/around/through/in等,表示在某个地方漫步。例如:They strolled along the beach, hand in hand.(他们手拉手沿着海滩散步。)

相关短语:take a stroll 表示“去散步”,例如:Let's take a stroll around the neighborhood.(我们去附近转转吧。)





1. We strolled through the park, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.(我们在公园里漫步,享受着新鲜的空气和阳光。)

2. The couple strolled hand in hand along the beach, enjoying the peaceful sound of the waves.(这对夫妇手牵手在海滩上漫步,享受着和平的海浪声。)

3. After dinner, we strolled around the city, admiring the beautiful architecture and lively atmosphere.(晚饭后,我们在城市里漫步,欣赏美丽的建筑和热闹的气氛。)




例句:If walkers just strolled in, then it's gonna be cake for a group of armed men. (如果丧尸蜂拥而至 那对一群武装好的人来说太容易了)


例句:Trying to regain my dignity, I strolled over to the barbells and promptly overloaded one side and forgot to use collars. (尝试恢复我的尊严,我在对杠铃和敏捷地超载一边之上闲逛而且忘记使用衣领。)


1. Rear Admiral Spruance strolled in and asked what the matter was. (翻译:后面的斯普鲁思斯海军上将踱进来,问到底是怎么回事。)

2. Gasquet only lost one point on his serve in the second set and strolled to a comprehensive win. (翻译:第二盘在自己的发球局中盖斯奎特只丢掉过一分,以压倒性的优势战胜了对手。)

3. Butler strolled into his stuffy room and sat down in the big leather chair, disproportioned to everything else in the chamber. (翻译:巴特勒跨进他空气沉浊的房间,坐在和这房间里别的一切都不相称的皮椅上。)

4. but on this point i was soon to be relieved for silver giving a little whistle , a third man strolled up and sat down by the party. (翻译:但在这一点上,我很快得到了宽慰,因为西尔弗轻轻地打了个呼哨,第三个人逛荡了过来,坐在这一对的旁边。)

5. The afterglow shadowed you till the end of the seawall. You strolled back, carrying your bike. (翻译:潮水还涨著,夕阳跟著你到海堤尽头,你漫步牵车回返。)

6. The rest of the gentry, well pleased, strolled back to the inner compound, while the servants quickly dismantled the temporary grandstand . (翻译:众人满意地散开,陆续往里面走去。仆人们忙着拆除临时的看台。)

7. Perched on a bright yellow lily, a Scudderia katydid nymph caught Barry's eye as he strolled through a Huntington public park. (翻译:一只停歇在一朵百合上的美丽的纺织娘吸引了巴里的注意,当时他正在亨廷顿一个公共公园里散步。)

8. We strolled past tinkling fountains and perfumed gardens. (翻译:我们漫步走过发出清脆声音的喷泉和香气四溢的花园。)

9. Early in the morning while my breakfast was getting ready, I strolled round by Satis House. (翻译:次日一早趁饭店正在准备早餐的时候,我去到沙提斯庄园,在旁边转了一圈。)

10. He took his time getting to the office, strolled in and said to his boss: "I didn't have a bit of trouble getting up this morning. " (翻译:他不慌不忙的来到办公室,漫步走进去和他的老板说:“我今天早上起来一点问题都没有。”)

11. He strolled up and down the polished floor of the resort, his hands in his pockets, his brow wrinkled, his mouth set. (翻译:他在酒店的打蜡地面上走来走去,手插在口袋里,眉头紧皱,嘴巴紧闭。)

12. When I strolled around the pond in misty weather I was sometimes amused by the primitive mode which some ruder fisherman had adopted. (翻译:当我在有雾的天气里,绕着湖阔步时,有时我很有兴味地看到了一些渔人所采取的原始的生活方式。)

13. I strolled out, grabbed myself a bottle of Maker's and here I am. (翻译:我散步在外, 抓住的我自己一瓶制造者 ... 并且这里我是。)

14. He strolled about, look very debonair in his elegant new suit. (翻译:他穿了一身讲究的新衣服逛来逛去,显得颇为惬意。)

15. They arrived at twilight, and, as we strolled out among the sparkling hundreds, Daisy's voice was playing murmurous tricks in her throat. (翻译:他们在黄昏时刻到达,然后当我们几人漫步走到几百名珠光宝气的客人当中时,黛西的声音在她喉咙里玩着呢呢喃喃的花样。)


