wimax是什么意思 wimax的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-08 12:00:21兜儿

wimax是什么意思 wimax的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义和起源:WiMAX是一种无线通信技术,全称为Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access,即全球微波互操作性接入,于xx年首次提出,用于提供城市、郊区和偏远地区高速互联网服务。

2. 技术特点:WiMAX的主要特点包括高带宽、长距离传输、高速数据传输、穿透障碍物能力强等,适用于多种场景,包括家庭、企业、公共场所等。

3. 应用领域:WiMAX广泛应用于城市及地区的无线宽带网络、移动通信、、车联网等领域,成为现代通信领域的不可或缺部分。

4. 未来发展:WiMAX技术在不断发展进步,目前已经进化到移动通信技术,能够提供更高速、更稳定的网络服务,未来还将快速推广并得到广泛应用。


1. WiMAX is a wireless broadband access technology that is being deployed worldwide.

2. WiMAX technology allows wireless access to the internet at high speeds and over long distances.

3. A WiMAX network can provide high-speed internet to remote and hard-to-reach areas.

4. WiMAX is a cost-effective solution for providing high-speed internet to households and businesses.

5. The latest version of WiMAX technology offers faster speeds and more reliable connectivity.

WiMAX是英语单词“Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access”的缩写,意为全球微波接入互操作性。


1. WiMAX技术在全球范围内得到了广泛应用。 WiMAX technology has been widely used around the world.

2. WiMAX技术可以提供高速无线宽带接入服务。 WiMAX technology can provide high-speed wireless broadband access services.

3. WiMAX技术已经成为提供无线宽带互联网的主要技术之一。 WiMAX technology has become one of the main technologies for providing wireless broadband internet.

4. 我们的公司提供WiMAX网络解决方案。 Our company provides WiMAX network solutions.

5. WiMAX技术的推出将带来无线宽带。 The introduction of WiMAX technology will bring about a wireless broadband revolution.

6. 我们正在测试WiMAX技术以供公司内部使用。 We are testing WiMAX technology for internal use in the company.

7. WiMAX技术可以支持远距离高速数据传输。 WiMAX technology can support high-speed data transmission over long distances.

8. WiMAX技术的使用可以提高无线网络的覆盖范围。 The use of WiMAX technology can increase the coverage of wireless networks.

9. WiMAX技术是一种灵活、高效和可靠的无线互联网连接方式。 WiMAX technology is a flexible, efficient and reliable way of wireless internet connectivity.

wimax的中文翻译为“全球互联网互操作性微波访问”。wimax的读音为 /wamks/。


1. WiMAX是一种高速无线互联网技术,可以实现无线上网。

2. 在某些地区,WiMAX已经开始取代传统的宽带网络。

3. WiMAX技术可以让用户在城市、农村和偏远地区获得更快更稳定的互联网连接。

English Translation:

The Chinese translation of wimax is "Global Interoperability for Microwave Access". The unciation of wimax is /wamks/.

Example sentences:

1. WiMAX is a high-speed wireless internet technology that enables wireless internet access.

2. In some areas, WiMAX has begun to replace traditional broadband networks.

3. WiMAX technology can provide users in cities, rural areas, and remote locations with faster and more reliable internet connections.




例句:Will WiMax CDMA G3 be the wireless standard three years from now? That's hard to say. (WiMax CDMA G3 会不会 成为xx年后无线领域的标准?那很难说。)


wimax一般作为名词使用,如在Mobile WiMAX(移动WiMAX)、WiMAX Forum(WiMAX论坛)等常见短语中出现较多。

Mobile WiMAX移动WiMAX
WiMAX ForumWiMAX论坛


1. Samsung, in collaboration with UQ Communications, demonstrated a trial WiMAX2 network at CEATEC Japan with speeds reaching 330mbps. (翻译:三星与UQ通讯合作,在日本CREATEC演示了一个WiMAX2测试网络,传输速度达到330 Mbps。)

2. Interest in Wi-Fi, WiMax, Bluetooth and related skills is also growing, says Koeppel, "particularly as cities look to WiMax as a feature to attract businesses." (翻译:对Wi - Fi, WiMax,蓝牙和相关的技能的关注也在不断增长,Koeppel说,“尤其就像各个城市指望着把WiMax作为特色产业招商引资一样”。)

3. You've heard of Wi-Fi, WiMax and 3g wireless technologies. (翻译:你已经听说过Wi - Fi, WiMAX和3g这些无线技术。)

4. Will WiMax CDMA G3 be the wireless standard three years from now? That's hard to say. (翻译:WiMax CDMA G3 会不会 成为xx年后无线领域的标准?那很难说。)

5. Wideband Code Division Multiple Access, or W-CDMA, is a cellular network supporting a wide range of voice, video and data services. (翻译:W - CD MA是一种支撑各种各样语音、视频和数据服务的蜂窝网络;WiMAX是一种支持各种各样器件中接入互联网的无线技术。)

6. WiMax processes all the information in a wide channel. (翻译:WiMax在一个宽频里处理所有信息。)
