balloon是什么意思 balloon的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-08 22:19:20白萱

1. 拼写和发音:

balloon是什么意思 balloon的中文翻译、读音、例句



- The children loved playing with the balloons at the party.

- The balloon floated away into the sky.

- She tied the balloon to her wrist so she wouldn't lose it.

- The balloon burst when it hit the sharp edge of the tree branch.

- He twisted the balloon into the shape of a dog.

2. 意义和用法:



- She bought a bunch of colorful balloons for her daughter's birthday party.

- The hot air balloon ride gave us a beautiful view of the countryside.

- The company's stock price ballooned after their latest earnings report.

- The crowd of protesters began to balloon as more people joined in.

- The balloon tire on his bike gave him a smoother ride on the rough terrain.

3. 常见的缩写词:

除了‘balloon’这个单词外,还有一些常见的缩写词也与‘balloon’有关。例如,“BAL”可以表示“balance”(平衡)或者“ballistic”(弹道的);“BA”则可以表示“barometric altitude”(气压高度)或者“bank angle”(俯仰角);“BAC”可以表示“blood alcohol content”(血液酒精含量)等等。


- The pilot adjusted the plane's bank angle to avoid turbulence.

- The blood alcohol content limit for driving is 0.08% in most states.

- The barometric altitude reading on the plane's instrument panel was inaccurate due to bad weather.

- The ballistic missile was launched from a secret location.

- The teacher used a balance to demonstrate the concept of weighing objects.




1. He tied a string to the balloon and let it fly into the sky.(他把一根绳子系在气球上,让它飞向天空。)

2. The children were delighted when they received a balloon each at the party.(孩子们在聚会上收到了一个气球,非常高兴。)

3. The hot air balloon rose slowly into the air, providing a breathtaking view of the landscape below.(热气球缓缓升空,提供了下方风景的惊人视野。)




例句:Give me a balloon, a balloon, a ballon. (给我一个气球、一个气球、一个气球。)


例句:An antenna was not found inside, but a balloon with freon was there. (里面并未找到天线,而是一个装有氟利昂的气球在那里。)


例句:If we pick a place east of here, we might find the balloon. (如果我们往东边走的话 说不定还能找到气球呢 If we pick a place east of here, we might find the balloon. 嗯 听起来不错 不过...)


例句:Sengupta realized the balloon-within-a-balloon structure could help him tackle the drug delivery challenge. (翻译:森古普塔马上意识到,这种气球套气球的结构也许可以帮助他解决给药的难题。)


balloon一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在dilatable balloon(可膨胀气球)、dirigible balloon(n. 飞船)、dream balloon(幻想圈)等常见短语中出现较多。

dilatable balloon可膨胀气球
dirigible balloonn. 飞船
dream balloon幻想圈
expanding balloon膨胀气球
fire balloonn. 热气球
floating balloon漂移气球
free balloon自由气球
gas balloon[化] 称气瓶; 气体比重瓶
gastric balloon[网络] 胃球;胃气囊装置;气球般的胃球


1. If we pick a place east of here, we might find the balloon. (翻译:如果我们往东边走的话 说不定还能找到气球呢 If we pick a place east of here, we might find the balloon. 嗯 听起来不错 不过...)

2. Sengupta realized the balloon-within-a-balloon structure could help him tackle the drug delivery challenge. (翻译:森古普塔马上意识到,这种气球套气球的结构也许可以帮助他解决给药的难题。)

3. What's with the guy in green With the red balloon? (翻译:那个穿着绿衣服 拿着红气球的人是干什么的)

4. The balloon hit a tree and burst. (翻译:气球碰到树上就爆了。)

5. It took me a while; it took me years to find the right balloon team to build the balloon that would do this job. (翻译:这让我花了些时间,我花了几年时间才找到合适的气球团队 来建造能完成这项工作的气球。)

6. And this particular balloon, because it has to launch two tons of weight, is an extremely huge balloon. (翻译:正是因为这个特殊的气球 可以承载两顿的重量, 这个气球是特别巨大的。)

7. "The fake explorers' club newsletter describing his balloon trek (翻译:探险俱乐部关于他乘热气球 只身前往北极的简报)

8. Well, in a balloon it's easy, we have ballast. (翻译:那么,对乘热气球来说是很容易的,我们有压舱物。)

9. He, like, exploded, like a water balloon of Chunky soup. (翻译:像个肥皂泡球 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Like a water balloon of chunky soup.)

10. Instead of flowers, people are giving balloon bouquets now. (翻译:但是现在人们喜欢送蛋糕而不是花 是啊 那不错)

11. Air distends a balloon. (翻译:空气使气球膨胀。)

12. We need to get her a balloon with my face on it. (翻译:我们得给她一个 We need to get her a balloon 我的头像气球,嗯? with my face on it.)

13. The first is to create a kind of balloon structure, fill it with bacteria, then allow the sand to wash over the balloon, pop the balloon, as it were, disseminating the bacteria into the sand and solidifying it. (翻译:第一是创造一种气球一样的结构, 把它装满细菌,然后用沙子磨洗它, 冲击它,可以说就是把细菌散播进沙里去固化它。)

14. Curse that balloon. And curse that revealing southwesterly. (翻译:那个热气球这么顺风,他们很快就能回到屋子里了。)

15. The balloon cannot support all this weight! (翻译:请不要上来 罗切 这船承受不了这么多重量)
