cold是什么意思 cold的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-08-10 13:52:17帅K

cold是什么意思 cold的中文翻译、读音、例句





- catch a cold 意为感冒

- cold-hearted 意为无情的

- cold sweat 意为冷汗,比喻惊恐的状态

- cold turkey 意为戒毒戒酒的方法


- cold as ice 意为冷如冰霜,形容极其冷酷

- blow hot and cold 意为反复无常

- out in the cold 意为被忽视,被排除在外





1. The weather is so cold today that I need to wear a coat.(今天天气很冷,我得穿上外套。)

2. She caught a cold because she didn't wear warm enough clothes in the winter.(她在冬天没有穿够暖和的衣服,所以感冒了。)

3. He gave her a cold stare when he heard the news.(听到那个消息,他冷冷地瞪了她一眼。)

4. The ice cream is too cold for me to eat.(这冰淇淋太冷了,我吃不下去。)




例句:The last thing I need is a cold. (The last thing I need is a cold. 遵命 Will do.)


例句:- The cold winds are rising. (寒风已然吹起. The cold winds are rising.)


例句:♪ cold and hard and shiny ♪ (# 冰冷 坚硬 又刺眼 # # Cold and hard and shiny #)


例句:Mommy, Mommy, the water is so cold. (翻译:Mommy, Mommy, the water is so cold. “妈妈,妈妈,水好冷! ”)


cold一般作为副词、名词、形容词、动词使用,如在in the cold(被忽视,被冷落)、the cold(na. 冷(空气等)\n[网络] 冰冷者;冷空气,冷的地方;寒冷天气)、to be cold(天气冷)等常见短语中出现较多。

in the cold被忽视,被冷落
the coldna. 冷(空气等)\n[网络] 冰冷者;冷空气,冷的地方;寒冷天气
to be cold天气冷
die of cold冻死
diplomatic cold“外交病”,借口有病不出席;外交感冒(外交官惯用的托病借口)
dispelling cold[中医] 祛寒
endogenous cold[中医] 内寒
excess cold[中医] 实寒
exogenous cold[中医] 外寒


1. ♪ cold and hard and shiny ♪ (翻译:# 冰冷 坚硬 又刺眼 # # Cold and hard and shiny #)

2. Mommy, Mommy, the water is so cold. (翻译:Mommy, Mommy, the water is so cold. “妈妈,妈妈,水好冷! ”)

3. Tucson PD. 8-4-6... ♪ When you lose something you can't replace. ♪ (翻译:图森警局 846... 《Fix you》by Cold Play)

4. The den of stone cold killers, where is this? (翻译:那个贼窝 在哪里? The den of stone cold killers, where is this?)

5. And the night is cold out here. (翻译:夜里外面寒风刺骨 And the night is cold out here.)

6. Your last text was so cold. (翻译:Your last text was so cold.)

7. ♪ When the world is cold ♪ (翻译:# 世界一片凄凉 # # When the world is cold #)

8. It was a cold, meagre and uncomfortable thing. (翻译:冷清 乏味 It was a cold,meagre 让人很不舒服 And uncomfortable thing.)

9. Our universe grows cold and perishes. (翻译:温度逐降 地球灭亡 Our universe grows cold and perishes.)

10. And keep cold, but not in fridge. (翻译:放在阴凉处,别放冰箱 And keep cold, but not in fridge.)

11. Cold beer on Friday night A pair ofjeans that fit just right (翻译:Cold beer on Friday night A pair of jeans that fit just right)

12. Your cold eyes and chilly smile have put it out (翻译:Your cold eyes and chilly smile have put it out)

13. ♪ For hands of gold are always cold ♪ (翻译:♪ For hands of gold are always cold ♪)

14. Oh, cold reading. I know about cold reading. Yeah. (翻译:哦 cold reading 我当然知道cold reading)

15. Feel the cold ground underneath my boots at no good reason it reminds me of you (翻译:Feel the cold ground underneath my boots at no good reason it reminds me of you)
