asunder是什么意思 asunder的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-09-25 16:11:28怎言笑


asunder是什么意思 asunder的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. Whom God hath put together, let no one tear asunder.

2. On this the people stood asunder, and made a way for the waggon.

3. And what God joins together, let no man tear asunder.

4. Those whom God has joined in marage... not n i can put asunder.

5. There is what sounds like a howl of outrage fm the Decepticon, or it might just have been the screech of the air being rent asunder.


6. What we have made shall not be torn asunder

7. After resting on the ocean floor, split asunder and rusting for about three quarters of a centy, a great ship seemed to come alive again.


8. Thy sword is with me to cut asunder my bonds, and there shall be no fear left for me in the world.


9. When we are scattered afar and asunder Parted are those who are singing today When we look back and forgetfully wonder

10. Csed be he who would seek to tear them asunder.

11. What God has joined together, let no man pull asunder.

12. Regal supremacy over o Holy Chch would represent a teang asunder of the seamless coat of Chst.

翻译:认同君权高于我们神圣教会 Regal supremacy over o Holy Chch 将会致使彻底撕裂 would represent a teang asunder 无缝外衣 of the seamless coat of Chst.。

13. - i was almost torn asunder.

14. i beseech thee to give him wide berth as he is pained by a ven heart torn asunder by the cruelty of an untrue maiden.

翻译:我恳求你能用宽怀心胸 包容他那被假冒 残忍扯裂撕碎化为碎片破碎心。

15. He sought to a great nation capable of sviving in a world torn asunder by the war beeen Btain and France.
