tunnel是什么意思 tunnel的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-05 18:01:17森屿°

tunnel是什么意思 tunnel的中文翻译、读音、例句







1. 公路和铁路隧道:作为运输领域的一部分,该词通常用来描述公路和铁路隧道的建设和使用。

例句:The train goes through the tunnel under the mountain. 火车穿过了山下的隧道。

2. 铁路隧道施工:'Tunneling'是指建造地下通道的工程,通常涉及到地下挖掘和构建支撑结构。

例句:The workers are tunneling a new subway line through the city. 工人正在为一条新的地铁线在城市中挖掘隧道。

3. 黑客攻击:'Tunneling'还可以用于描述通过互联网连接到另一台计算机的,以绕过防火墙或其他安全措施。

例句:He used tunneling to byp the company's security system. 他使用了隧道技术绕过公司的安全系统。

4. 连接:虚拟专用网络()是利用互联网在远程网络之间建立安全通信的技术,也可以称为'tunneling'。

例句:I use a to access my company's network from home. 我使用从家里访问公司的网络。


1. tunnel vision:过于专注于一个目标,而忽视了周围的其他因素。

例句:He needs to broaden his perspective and avoid tunnel vision. 他需要拓宽自己的视野,避免过于狭隘。

2. tunnel boring machine:隧道掘进机,一种大型机械设备,用于挖掘隧道。

例句:The tunnel boring machine is working around the clock to complete the tunnel on schedule. 隧道掘进机正在日夜工作,按计划完成隧道开挖。

3. light at the end of the tunnel:隧道尽头的光明,表示好的事情即将来临。

例句:We've been struggling for so long, but finally we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. 我们已经苦苦挣扎了那么久,但终于看到了希望。

4. train tunnel:火车隧道,指为火车运行而建造的隧道。

例句:The train tunnel through the mountain is one of the engineering marvels of the country. 穿过山区的火车隧道是该国工程奇迹之一。

5. underwater tunnel:水下隧道,通常用于描述连接两个陆地之间,穿过水下的隧道。

例句:The underwater tunnel is an important part of the transportation infrastructure of the city. 水下隧道是城市交通基础设施的重要组成部分。




1. The subway train pes through a long tunnel. (地铁列车通过一条长隧道。)

2. The tunnel under the river was built in the 1930s. (河底隧道是在xx年代建造的。)

3. The construction of the tunnel took three years to complete.(隧道的建设用了xx年时间才完成。)

4. The train emerged from the tunnel into bright sunshine.(火车从隧道里驶出来,进入了阳光明媚的天空。)

5. He drove through the tunnel at high speed.(他高速驾驶车辆通过隧道。)

6. The tunnel is equipped with air conditioning and lighting.(隧道配有空调和照明设备。)

7. The tunnel will be closed for maintenance next week.(隧道将在下周进行维护,关闭使用。)

8. The tunnel is an important transportation link between two cities.(隧道是两个城市之间的重要交通连接。)

9. The car got stuck in the tunnel due to a traffic accident.(由于交通事故,车辆被卡在了隧道里。)




1. The tunnel under the river is closed for repairs.(这条河床隧道因维修而关闭。)

2. The train entered the tunnel and disappeared from sight.(火车进入隧道,消失在视线里。)

3. The new road includes a tunnel through the mountains.(新的道路穿过山区有一条隧道。)

4. The firefighters had to crawl through the smoke-filled tunnel to rescue the trapped people.(消防员不得不爬过充满烟雾的隧道去营救被困的人。)




例句:Miss Lina, what if that collapses the tunnel? (莉娜,你这样乱来 会把地下道全部弄崩塌的啊, 到时候怎么办?)


例句:The results are helpful for designing and construction of intersection of main tunnel and adit in major highway tunnel. (研究结论对长大公路隧道设计、施工横通道,有一定参考价值。)


例句:A tunnel pierces the mountain. (一条隧道通过此山。)

4.隧道 、挖隧道

例句:Eggsy, next left, down the narrow tunnel! (翻译:埃格西 接下来左转 走到窄隧道里去! Eggsy, next left, down the narrow tunnel!)


tunnel一般作为名词、动词使用,如在diffuser tunnel(扩散器风洞)、dilution tunnel(稀释通道)、drying tunnel([化] 烘道)等常见短语中出现较多。

diffuser tunnel扩散器风洞
dilution tunnel稀释通道
drying tunnel[化] 烘道
ear tunnel[网络] 耳道
earth tunnel[交] 土质隧道
diversion tunnel导流隧洞
dock tunnel隧道式船坞
docking tunnel【火箭学】(两艘宇宙飞船对接时乘务员使用的)对接通道
drain tunnel泄水洞


1. A tunnel pierces the mountain. (翻译:一条隧道通过此山。)

2. Eggsy, next left, down the narrow tunnel! (翻译:埃格西 接下来左转 走到窄隧道里去! Eggsy, next left, down the narrow tunnel!)

3. It lies between Bopeep Tunnel and Hastings Tunnel. (翻译:它位于藏猫游戏隧道和黑斯廷斯隧道之间。)

4. How long is the tunnel? (翻译:这隧道有多长? )

5. To put a parameter into the tunnel, you simply add tunnel= "yes" to an xsl: with-param instruction. (翻译:为了把参数放入通道中,只需要为xsl:with-param指令加上tunnel=“yes”。)

6. Right now we have a weather-related delay in the Lincoln Tunnel where a semi apparently hit some ice... (翻译:Right now we have a weather -related delay in the Lincoln Tunnel)

7. This is a tunnel underneath Riverside Park. (翻译:这是Riverside公园下面的地下管道。)

8. The public utility tunnel of Anting New Town is the first real civil utility tunnel in China . (翻译:安亭新镇共同沟系统是中国第一条真正意义上的民用共同沟系统。)

9. By the time it opens in 2016, the 35.4 mile Gotthard tunnel will be the world's longest rail tunnel. (翻译:等到xx年全线通车的时候,全长35.4英里的圣哥达隧道将会是世界上最长的铁路隧道。)

10. Boston drivers love the tunnel. (翻译:波士顿的司机们喜欢那条隧道。)

11. It is told under ALPS there is a tunnel which remains the deepest tunnel ever constructed. It is Cenis, is it? (翻译:我听说在阿尔卑斯山有一个迄今为止最深的隧道。是塞尼山隧道,是吗。)

12. A lot of ricochet in a concrete tunnel. (翻译:在水泥隧道里开枪很容易跳弹 A lot of ricochet in a concrete tunnel.)

13. It's a tunnel, and you go into the tunnel, chiseled in solid rock, about 130 meters. (翻译:这是一个通道,当你走进通道时, 开凿在岩石里,大概有130米。)

14. In the case. The Peter Burke Tunnel Vision. (翻译:Peter Burke一忙就不顾其它 The Peter Burke Tunnel Vision.)

15. She's A New Territories taxi, a tunnel taxi... (翻译:a tunnel taxi... Enough!)


