in regard to是什么意思 in regard to的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-05 21:45:17寂寞如雪

'in regard to'是一个短语,通常用作介词短语。其主要含义是“关于;就…而言”,表示对某个话题或事情进行讨论或说明。


in regard to是什么意思 in regard to的中文翻译、读音、例句

常用场景:在正式文书、演讲、会议等场合中使用较多,例如:“In regard to the recent market trends, we need to adjust our marketing strategies.”(就最新的市场趋势而言,我们需要调整我们的市场营销策略。)

词组搭配:in regard to + 名词/动词-ing形式。

相关短语:with regard to,regarding。

发音拼写:[n r::d tu]。

in regard to的意思是“关于;就…而言”。读音为 /n rd tu/。


1. In regard to the recent budget cuts, we will have to reduce our staff by 10%.


2. I have some questions in regard to the new project proposal.


3. In regard to your request, we will try our best to accommodate your needs.


in regard to在中文中有"至于、关于"的意思,在英美地区还有"法"的意思,在线发音:[inregardto],in regard to来源于英语,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到57个与in regard to相关的句子。

In regard to的中文翻译


例句:Beauregard, you got no regard for good art. (布尔加德 你根本不懂得欣赏艺术 Beauregard, you got no regard for good art.)


例句:Yes. And with regard to count two, What is yourerdict? (是的 {\3cH202020}Yes. 你们的裁决是什么呢 {\3cH202020}What is your verdict?)


例句:I had great regard for his abilities. (我非常敬佩他的能力。)


例句:The origin of Saturn's rings the greatest mystery in this regard. (翻译:那确实是星环科学里最大的难题 土星环的起源)


in regard to一般作为名词使用,如在regard(看待 )、in regard(关于…...)、in regard of(关于..., 至于...)等常见短语中出现较多。

in regard关于…...
in regard of关于..., 至于...
in that regardna. 在那一点上
in this regard在这点上
regard as把...认作
regard for[网络] 尊重;对……的注意;考虑到
regard to关于,至于
regard with以(某种心态)来看…


1. I had great regard for his abilities. (翻译:我非常敬佩他的能力。)

2. The origin of Saturn's rings the greatest mystery in this regard. (翻译:那确实是星环科学里最大的难题 土星环的起源)

3. I regard this as a serious matter. (翻译:我认为这是一件重要的事情。)

4. Its opinio juris in that regard was consistent with practice. (翻译:它在这方面的法律意见与惯例是一致的。)

5. This is not a caribe, you can regard it as a goldfish, crucian, flatfish . (翻译:这不是吃人鱼哦,你可以看成是金鱼,鲫鱼,比目鱼。)

6. These women regard his death as an act of providence. (翻译:这些妇女将他的死看成是天意的展现。)

7. With regard to the biogeographic question, the Earth is dividing. (翻译:关于生物地理学这个问题, 地球正在。)

8. Defense: Henry had every regard for the nation. (翻译:辩方:这正是亨利把国家利益 置于首位的表现。)

9. Picts regard themselves as British. (翻译:- 皮克特人认为自己britanner。)

10. I have a small business... and I often come to Delhi in this regard. (翻译:我是个小商人 I have a small business. 所以常常来新德里 and I often come to delhi in this regard.)

11. I regard as you in the Kua I. (翻译:我就当作你在夸我吧。)

12. We are not here to work for business interests, be it with regard to oil. (翻译:我们不是来为商业利益卖命的 哪怕是利益丰厚的石油也不行)

13. Maybe that experience helped give me the enormous regard that I have for musical talent. (翻译:Maybe that experience helped give me... 也许是这种经验让我对歌舞片天才 ...the enormous regard that I have for musical talent.)

14. Many people regard this upsurge as a sign of health. (翻译:很多人会把这种剧增看作是有利的。)

15. But not many people in the world regard water as an eidolon. (翻译:然而,又有多少人将水当作神灵呢? )
