quietly是什么意思 quietly的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-06 20:01:23青丝绕手



quietly是什么意思 quietly的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和词义:Quietly是一个副词,表示“轻声地、安静地”等意思。

2. 用法和搭配:Quietly可用于修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,通常放在被修饰词之后。常见的搭配有:quietly speak(轻声讲话)、quietly walk(安静走路)、quietly listen(安静倾听)。

3. 同义词:quietly的同义词包括:silently、softly、calmly、peacefully等。

4. 反义词:quietly的反义词包括:loudly、noisily、vociferously等。

5. 注意事项:注意quietly和quiet的区别,quietly是以安静的方式进行某个动作,而quiet是指事物本身没有声音或不吵闹。


1. She spoke quietly to avoid waking up the baby.(她轻声说话,以免把宝宝吵醒。)

2. He walked quietly through the house so as not to disturb anyone.(他安静地穿过房子,以免打扰任何人。)

3. The students listened quietly as the teacher explained the new lesson.(老师讲解新课时,学生安静倾听。)

4. She sat quietly in the library, reading a book.(她坐在图书馆里,安静地看书。)

5. The park was quiet and peaceful in the early morning.(早晨公园很安静,很平静。)





1. He quietly left the room without saying a word. 他悄悄离开了房间,一句话也没说。

2. She listened quietly to the music, lost in thought. 她静静地听着音乐,沉思着。

3. He quietly slipped the note into her hand. 他悄悄地把纸条放到她手中。

4. The baby slept quietly in his crib. 宝宝安静地睡在他的婴儿床里。

5. She spoke quietly, so as not to wake the children. 她小声说话,为了不惊醒孩子们。




例句:He sat there ever so quietly. (他静悄悄地坐在那儿。)


例句:Okay, you could have quietly said something when I badged you. (行了 我出示证件时 Okay, you could have quietly said something 你可以悄悄表明身份的 when I badged you.)


例句:Let Asset Containment capture it quietly. (让资产防控队悄悄地抓住它 Let Asset Containment capture it quietly.)


例句:The judge wants to avoid a media circus on this, let him walk as quietly as possible. (翻译:法官想避免媒体, The judge wants to avoid a media circus on this, 让他安静地来 let him walk as quietly as possible.)


quietly一般作为副词、动词使用,如在go quietly([网络] 静静地走)、just quietly(只限于你我之间)、quietly confident([网络] 沉稳自信)等常见短语中出现较多。

go quietly[网络] 静静地走
just quietly只限于你我之间
quietly confident[网络] 沉稳自信
quietly elegant淡雅
quietly steadyn. 静稳
sit quietly安静地坐


1. Let Asset Containment capture it quietly. (翻译:让资产防控队悄悄地抓住它 Let Asset Containment capture it quietly.)

2. The judge wants to avoid a media circus on this, let him walk as quietly as possible. (翻译:法官想避免媒体, The judge wants to avoid a media circus on this, 让他安静地来 let him walk as quietly as possible.)

3. No, it has to be done quietly. (翻译:不用了 要悄悄地去 不能让人知道 还是我自己一个人去好了)

4. The ship's engines throbbed quietly. (翻译:船上的发动机有节奏地轻轻震动。)

5. the most quietly powerful person in the state of New Jersey. (翻译:是新泽西最有权力的人 the most quietly powerful person in the state of New Jersey.)

6. And quietly, it stared to turn. (翻译:那你必须跟上比赛的节奏 如此一来,情况会慢慢改变)

7. Now, I can go quietly or I can put a bullet into the contents of this bag. (翻译:I can go quietly or I can put a bullet into the contents of this bag.)

8. Akiko. the curtain of mystery will open quietly. (翻译:你能帮助我吗? 他手接触的那一瞬间 感觉很神秘 就像盛开的花一样)

9. Is there a place in the palace where we can talk quietly? (翻译:整个皇宫没有地方 可以让我们安安静静说话吗)

10. That he took responsibility and that he would go quietly. (翻译:他承担下了所有的责任 然后销声匿迹了 That he took responsibility and that he would go quietly.)

11. Would it make life easier for everyone if I quietly resigned? (翻译:我悄悄辞职 你们会不会好过些 {\3cH202020}Would it make life easier for everyone if I quietly resigned?)

12. He is lucky that we dealt with this quietly. (翻译:他很幸运 那是因为我们悄悄的解决了这件事)

13. Maybe Childs is trying to quietly make this disappear. (翻译:或许Childs是想悄悄地让这件事不了了之)

14. Not in a painful way, just quietly slid into death. (翻译:不是以一种痛苦的方式 就是那种静静地走向死亡)

15. The heads were quietly returned to Mr Berge. (翻译:铜首悄悄回到了伯奇先生手中。)
