blankets是什么意思 blankets的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-07 03:01:16腻味

1. 词释方面:

'blankets' 一词在英语中通常指毯子、毛毯,是一种保暖用的家居用品。此外,在军事、医疗等领域中,'blankets' 也可意指其它类似毯子的物品。

blankets是什么意思 blankets的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 用途方面:

'blankets' 主要用于保暖,可以在睡觉时铺在床上,或者在户外露营等场合中使用。同时,在医疗方面,blankets 也被用于预防热量损失。

3. 文化背景方面:

'blankets' 这个单词在英语中有着一定的文化背景。它常常被用来形容睡眠的安全感和舒适度,因为它能够为人们提供足够的保护和温暖。


1. He wrapped himself up in a warm blanket and fell asleep.


2. The army issued each soldier a woolen blanket to keep them warm.


3. She went to the doctor because she couldn't stop shivering, and the doctor gave her a blanket to warm up.


4. The refugees in the camp were given blankets to protect them from the cold.


5. The baby was crying, so the mother wrapped him in a soft, warm blanket to comfort him.





1. I snuggled up under a pile of warm blankets.


2. The baby was swaddled tightly in a soft blanket.





例句:The blankets had been folded down. (毛毯已折叠起来。)


例句:Did you know about the blankets? (你知道毯子的事? Did you know about the blankets?)


例句:And she stacked twenty mattresses on top of the pea and then twenty blankets on top of them. (然后又取出二十张床垫子压在豌豆上 最后又在这些垫子上放了二十床毯子)


blankets一般作为名词使用,如在electric blankets(na. 电(热床)毯\n[网络] 电热毯;电毯;电暖毯)、horse blankets([网络] 马毯;马毛毯)、indian blankets([网络] 天人菊;印第安花纹手织毛毯;印度毯\n(indian blanket 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

electric blanketsna. 电(热床)毯\n[网络] 电热毯;电毯;电暖毯
horse blankets[网络] 马毯;马毛毯
indian blankets[网络] 天人菊;印第安花纹手织毛毯;印度毯\n(indian blanket 的复数)
pigs in blankets[网络] 香肠培根卷;培根包小香肠
pigss in blankets[网络] 香肠培根卷;培根包小香肠\n(pigs in blankets 的复数)
receiving blankets[网络] 裹的毯子;包被;抱毯
saddle blankets[网络] 马鞍毯
security blanketsna. 安乐毯\n[网络] 安全毯;婴儿安抚巾
wet blanketsn. 〈非正式〉令人扫兴的人


1. And she stacked twenty mattresses on top of the pea and then twenty blankets on top of them. (翻译:然后又取出二十张床垫子压在豌豆上 最后又在这些垫子上放了二十床毯子)

2. Blankets and pillows are stowed in the overhead lockers and eyeshades and socks are on your seat. (翻译:毛毯和枕头放在上面的柜中,眼罩和袜子在您的座椅上面。)

3. Did my father know about the blankets? (翻译:我父亲知道毯子的事吗? Did my father know about the blankets?)

4. And if they don't like pigs in blankets, they may have to bring their own snacks. (翻译:宾客就只是 客人 如果他们不喜欢小香肠包 估计得带上自己喜欢的零食)

5. Caiyang Anxin series of electric blankets are produced by professional production enterprise. (翻译:“彩阳”牌安欣系列电热毯系电热毯专业生产企业出品。)

6. See matching blankets and comfy cozies too! (翻译:见选配毛毯及一味太舒服了! )

7. Corduroy and Velvet Fabrics, Blankets, Bedspreads, Wool Fabrics, Cotton Fabrics. (翻译:采购产品楞条花布和天鹅绒织物,毛毯,床单,羊毛织物,棉花织物。)

8. You know what blankets - tell me the truth. (翻译:- 告诉我 What blankets? You know what blankets - tell me the truth.)

9. He burrowed down beneath the blankets. (翻译:他钻到毯子下面。)

10. Fry would find us wrapped up in drum blankets on the floor of the studio. (翻译:弗莱会找到我们包裹起来 在鼓毛毯 在工作室的地板上。)

11. Sheets, blankets, and other bedclothes go on sale in most communities twice a year. (翻译:每两年,床单,毯子,还有其他床上用品会在社区里进行一次降价销售。)

12. Instead the sea sneaks in the water of life by rolling out blankets of fog at night. (翻译:而是通过夜间的浓雾,把海水偷偷转化到生活用水中。)

13. The artist collected blankets from all different people in her community, and she had the owners of the blankets write, on a tag, the significance of the blanket to the family. (翻译:艺术家从她所在社区里的 不同人那里收集毯子, 她让毯子的主人在标签上 写上这些毯子对家庭的重要性。)

14. We may need some more blankets. (翻译:- Betty, get some water, please.)

15. Truckloads of food, blankets, and other necessities reached the city. (翻译:成卡车的食物、毯子及其他必需品抵达了该市。)
