orbit是什么意思 orbit的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-08 19:11:15沫小兮


orbit是什么意思 orbit的中文翻译、读音、例句



- in orbit:在轨道中,成功运转

- out of orbit:脱离轨道,不顺利

- geo-stationary orbit:地球同步轨道

- polar orbit:极地轨道

- orbit around:围绕...轨道运动

- orbit of influence:影响范围

- orbit of knowledge:知识领域

短语:into orbit(使...进入轨道)



1. The planets orbit the sun in elliptical paths.

2. The satellite was launched into orbit successfully.

3. The spacecraft is expected to enter Mars’s orbit next week.

4. The company’s profits soared into orbit last quarter.

5. The satellite went out of orbit and crashed into the ocean.

6. The moon orbits the earth once every 27.3 days.

7. The country’s military power extends beyond its own orbit of influence.


1. 行星沿椭圆轨道绕太阳运动。

2. 卫星成功地进入了轨道。

3. 预计这个宇宙飞船下周将进入火星轨道。

4. 公司上季度的利润大幅飙升。

5. 卫星脱离轨道坠入海洋。

6. 月球每27.3天绕地球一周。

7. 该国的军事实力超出了其自身的影响范围。




1. The satellite has entered its orbit around the Earth. (卫星已进入地球轨道。)

2. The moon orbits around the Earth once every 27.3 days. (月球每27.3天绕地球一周。)

3. The planet's orbit is elliptical, not circular. (该行星的轨道是椭圆形的,而不是圆形的。)

4. The spacecraft is currently in a low Earth orbit. (宇宙飞船目前处于低地球轨道。)




例句:The ten themes radiate out and orbit the time capsule. (这10个主题成辐射状围着时间胶囊旋转。)


例句:Torricelli crater from orbit. (Torricelli火山口从轨道。)


例句:But, it could be somewhat out of our orbit, the shared orbit, due to trying to evade the Earth, the crowding. (但它可能有点离开共有轨道,以避开和地球产生拥挤。)


例句:Once the Soyuz began to orbit the Earth, the failures began. (翻译:当联盟号开始环绕地球的时候,失败随之降临了。)


orbit一般作为名词、动词使用,如在in orbit with(在与…同步的轨道上)、into orbit([网络] 进入运行轨道;进入轨道)、direct orbit(直接轨道)等常见短语中出现较多。

in orbit with在与…同步的轨道上
into orbit[网络] 进入运行轨道;进入轨道
direct orbit直接轨道
earth orbit环地轨道
eccentric orbit偏心轨道
dispersion orbit弥散轨道(恒星运动)
disturbed orbit干扰轨道
drift orbit漂移轨道
equatorial orbit赤道轨道


1. But, it could be somewhat out of our orbit, the shared orbit, due to trying to evade the Earth, the crowding. (翻译:但它可能有点离开共有轨道,以避开和地球产生拥挤。)

2. Once the Soyuz began to orbit the Earth, the failures began. (翻译:当联盟号开始环绕地球的时候,失败随之降临了。)

3. In February 2009 two satellites niskozemnata collide in orbit. (翻译:事实上 在xx年xx月 两颗低轨道卫星就发生了碰撞)

4. The orbit of this comet intersects the orbit of the Earth. (翻译:这颗彗星的轨道和地球的轨道相交。)

5. It has a fairly substantial number of asteroids between the orbit of the Earth out through -- to the orbit of Jupiter. (翻译:地球轨道与木星轨道之间 有不少的小行星 )

6. Fearsome scientific power thrust Laputa into orbit. (翻译:拉普达岛因为拥有惊人的科技 才能飘浮在空中)

7. The orientation of the planet's orbit is changing continuously. (翻译:该行星轨道的方向不断变化。)

8. The problem is when the capsule moves from an elliptical orbit to a parabolic orbit. (翻译:问题是 当太空舱从椭圆轨道换到抛物线轨道时)

9. Our sun, for example takes some 225 million years to complete a single orbit. (翻译:比如我们的太阳 Our Sun, for example, 每隔2亿2千5百万年就完成一次轨道运行 takes some 225 million years to complete a single orbit.)

10. Most of the stars in our night sky actually orbit around one or more stellar companions. (翻译:夜空中的大多数恒星 Most of the stars in our night sky 会环绕一个或多个恒星小伙伴运行 actually orbit around one or more stellar companions.)

11. Sending people to orbit the Earth or go to the moon requires big, reliable, powerful rockets precisely the same technology you need to carry a nuclear warhead halfway around the planet to destroy your enemy's largest cities. (翻译:把人送上地球轨道 Sending people to orbit the Earth 或是送到月球,都需要大型的,可靠的 or go to the Moon requires big, reliable, 大推力火箭,而这正是 powerful rockets)

12. Periapsis in earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is nearest to the earth. (翻译:以地球为中心的最近点;人造卫星轨道上离地球中心最近的点。)

13. Earth orbit is breathtakingly beautiful and our gateway to exploration. (翻译:地球轨道美得让人窒息, 它也是我们宇宙探索的大门。)

14. TARS, factor an orbit of Gargantua. (翻译:TARS 拟合一条环黑洞的轨道 TARS, factor an orbit of Gargantua.)

15. The prohibitor is absorbed by the orbit exhibition . (翻译:禁止者被轨道展览吸引住了。)


