similarity是什么意思 similarity的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-12 17:27:58宛雪

1. 定义:表示两个或多个事物之间的相似性或类似性。

2. 同义词:likeness, resemblance, sameness。

similarity是什么意思 similarity的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 用途:在描述事物或概念时,可以使用'similarity'来比较它们之间的相似之处,以更好地进行分析和理解。

4. 语法:'similarity'通常用作名词,但可以在某些情况下用作形容词或副词。

5. 常见短语:bear similarity to (与...相似), show similarity with (与...表现出相似性)


1. The similarity between the two paintings was uncanny. (这两幅画的相似之处令人难以置信。)

2. In terms of physical appearance, there was a clear similarity between the two sisters. (从外貌上看,这两个姐妹有明显的相似之处。)

3. The similarity in their perspectives on life led to a strong bond between the two friends. (他们在对生活的看法上的相似性使得这两个朋友之间建立起了牢固的纽带。)

4. The scientist noticed a striking similarity between the two species of insects. (这位科学家注意到这两种昆虫之间有惊人的相似之处。)

5. There was a strong similarity in the way the two companies approached their marketing strategies. (这两家公司在市场营销战略上的方法有很强的相似之处。)

similarity的中文翻译是“相似性”(xing s xng)。



1. Their facial features have a striking similarity to each other. (他们的脸部特征非常相似。)

2. There is a similarity between the two paintings, but they were created by different artists. (这两幅画有相似之处,但是它们是由不同的艺术家创作的。)

3. The similarity in their hobbies brought them closer together. (他们在兴趣爱好上的相似性让他们更亲近了。)




例句:On the contrary, the niche similarity among the species with small niche breadths was lower. (而生态位宽度较小的物种,生态位相似性比例较小。)


例句:And Dick became convinced at some point that he and I had some kind of similarity of personality. (狄克渐渐开始确信 他与我的性格有着某些共同点 )


例句:Given the similarity to the Trevor Beckman case we'll definitely want to question her. (考虑到和特雷弗贝克曼案件的相似处 我们还要问她一些问题)


例句:Weak Ministers might have doubts over the similarity of the names, but no one with any backbone would be deflected from such a beneficial project on such a useless pretext. (翻译:软弱的大臣或许会对相似名字抱以怀疑 Weak Ministers might have doubts over the similarity of the names, 但有骨气的大臣不会 but no one with any backbone would be deflected 拒绝如此有利的项目 from such a beneficial project)


similarity一般作为名词使用,如在dimensional similarity(因次相似性)、dynamical similarity(动力相似性)、dynamic similarity(动力相似性;动态相似)等常见短语中出现较多。

dimensional similarity因次相似性
dynamical similarity动力相似性
dynamic similarity动力相似性;动态相似
evaporation similarity[热] 蒸发过程相似
froundian similarity霍特相似性
functional similarity功能相似
geomatrical similarity几何相似
geometric similarity[计] 几何相似
geometrical similarity几何相似性


1. Given the similarity to the Trevor Beckman case we'll definitely want to question her. (翻译:考虑到和特雷弗贝克曼案件的相似处 我们还要问她一些问题)

2. Weak Ministers might have doubts over the similarity of the names, but no one with any backbone would be deflected from such a beneficial project on such a useless pretext. (翻译:软弱的大臣或许会对相似名字抱以怀疑 Weak Ministers might have doubts over the similarity of the names, 但有骨气的大臣不会 but no one with any backbone would be deflected 拒绝如此有利的项目 from such a beneficial project)

3. High reputation beats high similarity. (翻译:这时候,高的信誉评价就会 比高相似度更可信。)

4. Could it be that this image combined with the similarity of the sound of the words influenced their coming together as synonyms? (翻译:是否可能,这种想象连同这两个单词读音上的相似,影响到它们一起成为同义词?)

5. Various forms of functions described as Tanimoto similarity and Tanimoto distance occur in the literature and on the Internet. (翻译:在文献中和互联网上有各种形式的称为谷本相似度和谷本距离的函数。)

6. Another striking similarity among good problem-solvers is that they're all pragmatists. (翻译:另一个好的问题解决者的显著相似点 是他们都是实用主义者 )

7. Proximate self-similarity. And that accounts for this phenomenon. (翻译:大体上来说是自相似的。那就解释了这个现象。)

8. One person I see most similarity with Yao is Petre Manning. (翻译:我认为有一个人和姚明有许多相似之处,那就是曼宁。)

9. The fuzzy similarity index is applied to indicate the preictal state of nine rats. (翻译:应用模糊相似度指标对9只大鼠的癫痫发作前状态进行了评价。)

10. First, build the users'network according to similarity between user's behavior and intersts. (翻译:首先根据系统用户之间的兴趣行为相似性构建用户偏好关系网络;)

11. Putong peach had higher genetic similarity and frequency of gene exchange by dendrogram of RAPD bands. (翻译:从RAPD带型聚类图分析,普通桃类的遗传相似系数较高,基因交换频繁。)

12. Note the similarity to the Datong and Delingha sites. (翻译:请注意大通发射阵地与德令哈发射阵地的相似程度。)

13. Now these look like very different forms of humor but actually they bear a great similarity. (翻译:看起来这些是不同形式的漫画, 但是事实上他们有很大的相似之处。)

14. Results HPLC fingerprint of Radix Stephaniae Tetrandra was established and the similarity of the fingerprint was compared. (翻译:结果初步建立了防己药材的HPLC指纹图谱,并进行相似度评价。)

15. I am struck by the similarity of Jesus' day and today in China. (翻译:对受难日和今日中国之相似 我陷入深思)


