acorn是什么意思 acorn的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-14 12:24:57玉不羁



acorn是什么意思 acorn的中文翻译、读音、例句



- acorn squash:橡子南瓜

- acorn nut:橡子螺母

- acorn worm:橡子虫


- from little acorns grow:万丈高楼平地起,伟大事业始于渺小的开始。

- acorn wood:橡子啄木鸟





1. The squirrel buried the acorn in the ground to save it for winter. (松鼠把橡子埋在地里储存到冬天。)

2. She collected a handful of acorns and brought them home to paint. (她收集了一把橡子带回家去涂色。)

3. The oak tree is known for its large acorns. (橡树以其大橡子而闻名。)

acorn通常被翻译为"橡实 、橡实"的意思,在日常中也代表"橡子"的意思,发音是['eik:n],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到91个与acorn相关的句子。



例句:I have a little acorn here that I picked up while I was walking on the path earlier this year. (我这里有一个小橡果 是我今年早些时候在亚伯拉罕之路上 捡到的。)


例句:He'll need at least a hundred so every acorn counts. (至少需要一百个橡子 所以每一颗都要算进去)


例句:This restaurant looks a little bit like Acorn House -- same chairs, same tables. (这家餐厅看起来有点像橡实屋, 同样的桌椅,)


例句:Well, even a blind pig has to find an acorn now and then. (翻译:当然 即使是瞎眼的肥猪 总也有找到橡实的时候)


acorn一般作为名词使用,如在sea acorn(un. 海蛎子;藤壶贝)等常见短语中出现较多。

sea acornun. 海蛎子;藤壶贝


1. This restaurant looks a little bit like Acorn House -- same chairs, same tables. (翻译:这家餐厅看起来有点像橡实屋, 同样的桌椅,)

2. Well, even a blind pig has to find an acorn now and then. (翻译:当然 即使是瞎眼的肥猪 总也有找到橡实的时候)

3. He is not the acorn man, and he does not have a golden crown like the kind a king wears, or the pointy hat of a wizard. (翻译:他不是刚才唱歌的歌手,他没戴皇帝才带的金冠,也没带巫师的尖帽子。)

4. The chipmunk population increased strikingly due to two successive years of abundant acorn crops in the forest. (翻译:金花鼠数量显著地增加,是因为森林里连续两年丰硕的橡子收成。)

5. So far, no one has been arrested, but ACORN faces similar allegations in at least ten states. (翻译:到目前为止,还没有逮捕任何人,但ACORN在至少十个州面临相似的指控。)

6. Uh. . . was that bad? Hey, John. . . Obama was a lawyer for ACORN and has strong ties to this scuzzy little operation. (翻译:嗯…有那样糟吗?嘿,约翰…曾是ACORN的律师,与这个肮脏的小组织有强烈的联系。)

7. Relax, and give your life a lift with an Acorn Stairlift. (翻译:放松,给你的生活与一个橡子座椅电梯升降机。)

8. It was just an acorn that hit my son. A little acorn. - No! (翻译:砸到我儿子的不过是个橡子 一个小小的橡子)

9. Tell them about the acorn helmets. (翻译:跟他们说说橡果壳头盔 {\1cH00FFFF}{\3cH202020}Tell them about the acorn helmets)

10. When I was just an acorn my grampa told me, 'Son, Vasebreaker puzzles are much easier if you break the vases on the right side first. ' (翻译:当我还是个橡子的时候,爷爷对我说:小子,在“砸罐罐”谜题中,如果首先砸碎右侧的罐罐,事实将会简单许多。)

11. The path right now is like an acorn; it's still in its early phase. (翻译:这条路现在就像这个橡果; 它还在刚开始的阶段。)

12. You've been ashamed since the acorn thing. (翻译:自打橡子事件以后 你就一直因为我而感到羞耻)

13. Like a big tree and a little tree in its shade, where the acorn fell. (翻译:就像是棵小树在一棵大树的树荫下 受到庇护一样)

14. The core business of Acorn has always remained the same; the manufacture and supply of Acorn Stairlifts. (翻译:橡子的核心业务始终是相同,橡子座椅电梯制造和供应。)

15. And certainly in the Senate, he has been a benefactor for ACORN. -How's he been a benefactor for ACORN? He was just organizer. (翻译:而肯定在参议院中,他是ACORN的支持者。-他曾是如何支持ACORN的?他只是组织者。)
