nfo是什么意思 nfo的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-16 02:37:53青柠

1. 全称:'nfo'可以是某些专业领域的缩写,例如:National Farmers' Organization(全国农民组织)、National Fireworks Association(全国烟花协会)等等。

例如:The NFO is a national organization that represents the interests of farmers across the United States.(全国农民组织是代表美国各地农民利益的国家组织。)

nfo是什么意思 nfo的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 文件格式:'nfo'也是一种计算机文件格式,通常用于描述软件、电影、游戏等文件的详细信息和说明。

例如:Before you download the torrent file, make sure to read the nfo file for important information about the release.(在下载种子文件之前,请务必阅读nfo文件,了解有关此版本的重要信息。)

3. 简报:'nfo'还可以是一种简短的简报,用于传达重要信息或通知。

例如:I received an nfo from the HR department about the new company policy.(我收到了人力资源部门的一份nfo,介绍了新的公司政策。)

4. 品牌:'nfo'也是一种品牌名称,该品牌主要提供市场调研和数据分析服务。

例如:We hired NFO Research to conduct a survey on our new product before launching.(我们雇用了NFO研究公司,在推出新产品之前进行了一项调查。)

1. Full name: 'nfo' can be an abbreviation in certain professional fields, such as National Farmers' Organization or National Fireworks Association.

Example: The NFO is a national organization that represents the interests of farmers across the United States.

2. File format: 'nfo' is also a type of computer file format, usually used to describe detailed information and instructions about software, movies, games, etc.

Example: Before you download the torrent file, make sure to read the nfo file for important information about the release.

3. Briefing: 'nfo' can also refer to a short briefing, used to convey important information or notices.

Example: I received an nfo from the HR department about the new company policy.

4. Brand: 'nfo' is also a brand name that mainly provides market research and data ysis services.

Example: We hired NFO Research to conduct a survey on our new product before launching.




1. Please provide me with more info about the product. (请提供更多关于此产品的信息。)

2. The website has loads of info on travel destinations. (这个网站有很多关于旅游目的地的资料。)

3. I need to gather some more info before a decision. (在做决定之前,我需要收集更多的信息。)




例句:Jon Corzine, governor of New Jersey, head of NF Global... (乔恩克辛,新州长 新泽西州,头NF全球...)


1. You are O.J. Simpson and you are an inspiration. (翻译:Simpson. 你是OJ辛普森 You are O. J.)

2. ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, boom, boom, boom ♪ (翻译:# O哦, o哦, o哦, boom, boom, boom #)

3. A.C. Cowlings worships O.J. So much, he bought the identical car. (翻译:AC考林斯非常崇拜OJ辛普森 A. C. Cowlings worships O.)

4. Did she know that O.J. was out there? (翻译:那她知道OJ就在外面么 Did she know that O. J.)

5. We would have to check 2O million years' worth of settings in 2O minutes. (翻译:我们必须检查2O亿年的价值 设置 在2O分钟。)

6. O.J., O.J., we got to talk. (翻译:OJ 我们需要谈谈 O. J. , O.)

7. Check if the DNA of NF13 matches anyone in Platinum Data. (翻译:在白金数据里 搜索看有没有人和NF13的DNA一致)

8. Before the incident, someone called me out to talk about NF13. (翻译:案件发生前 他说关于NF13有重要的话要对我说 把我叫过去了)

9. It's in the fridge, daddy-o. (翻译:-o. Are you hep to the jive?)

10. ♪ I'M ALREADY DONE ♪ TAKE AWAY ALL THE PAIN ♪ I'M ALREADY GO-O-O-O-O-NE (翻译:我已经做 带走所有的痛 我已经去 -O -O)

11. Where are all the pictures of O.J. (翻译:还有OJ和他白人兄弟 Where are all the pictures of O.)

12. shies from the so-o-o-rrow (翻译:# shies from the so -o -o)

13. Junko Yaguchi Music: Mickie Yoshino Hiroshi Kishimoto (翻译:O is for the only one I see)

14. Would Dr. Ralph O. Khan, please report to surgery. (翻译:请Ralph O. Khan医生到外科报到 Ralph O.)

15. Or was that Lion-O from the Thundercats? (翻译:Or was that Lion -O from the Thundercats?)
