tracking是什么意思 tracking的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-16 05:57:54爱无赦

1. 词义:追踪,跟踪

2. 词性:名词

tracking是什么意思 tracking的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 词组搭配:tracking system 追踪系统;tracking device 追踪装置;tracking shot 跟踪镜头

4. 短语:keep track of 记录,追踪

5. 发音拼写:/'trk/


1. The company uses a sophisticated tracking system to keep tabs on shipments. (这家公司使用一种复杂的追踪系统来跟踪货物的运输情况。)

2. The wildlife researchers are tracking the movements of the endangered species. (野生动物研究人员正在跟踪濒危物种的活动轨迹。)

3. The police are tracking down the suspect who robbed the bank last week. (警方正在追踪上周银行的嫌疑人。)

4. The fitness tracker has a GPS to track your runs and walks. (这款健身配有GPS,可以追踪您的跑步和步行路线。)

5. The satellite tracking station receives data from orbiting satellites. (卫星追踪站接收来自轨道卫星的数据。)





1. The GPS system allows for easy tracking of vehicles.


2. The company uses tracking software to monitor employee productivity.


3. The police are currently tracking a suspect in the area.





例句:- 47 heavy, flight level 350, tracking 245 degrees. (Trans Con 47 heavy, flight level 350, tracking 245 degrees.)


例句:Now the problem is tracking it. (-steps hard or cyber links. 现在的问题就在于如何追踪他 Now the problem is tracking it.)


例句:Airborne IRST (Infrared Searching and tracking) are primarily used for detecting and tracking of the distant high altitude objects. (机载IRST主要用于高空远距离目标的探测和跟踪。)


例句:And plant gps tracking software so that we can find out (翻译:植入定位追踪软件 好查明 and plant GPS tracking software so that we can find out)


tracking一般作为名词、动词使用,如在tracking with([网络] 跟踪跟踪)、digital tracking(数字跟踪)、dynamic tracking(动态追踪)等常见短语中出现较多。

tracking with[网络] 跟踪跟踪
digital tracking数字跟踪
dynamic tracking动态追踪
edge tracking边缘追踪
Doppler tracking多普勒跟踪
email tracking[网络] 邮件跟踪;电子邮件追踪;了解他身处的位置
electromagnetic tracking[航] 电磁跟踪
electronic tracking电子跟踪
elevation tracking仰角跟踪


1. Airborne IRST (Infrared Searching and tracking) are primarily used for detecting and tracking of the distant high altitude objects. (翻译:机载IRST主要用于高空远距离目标的探测和跟踪。)

2. And plant gps tracking software so that we can find out (翻译:植入定位追踪软件 好查明 and plant GPS tracking software so that we can find out)

3. - Are Vitalian soldiers trained in tracking? (翻译:{\3cH937D2D\fs22} - 意大利士兵学习追踪吗? - 学的 不过追踪的不是兽人.)

4. Everything, attention, now the mission we are tracking the Guardian, (翻译:代号守护者,现在我们的任务是竭尽所能追踪守护者。)

5. It improves the celerity and accuracy of speed tracking. (翻译:提高速度跟踪的快速性和精确性。)

6. Probably got some kinda tracking software on it, right? (翻译:是不是有那种跟踪记录的软件 Probably got some kinda tracking software on it, right?)

7. Only this time, we are tracking on a global scale. (翻译:以确保他们的库存不会断货 仅仅这一次 我们在进行全球范围追踪)

8. A knife to this area will disorient their tracking device, but not for long. (翻译:把刀刺入机器人颈后可以扰乱它们的 追踪系统,但效果并不持久)

9. Full GPS navigation, real-time tracking capabilities, emergency scanners, satellite imaging. (翻译:全GPS导航 实时追踪能力 Full GPS navigation, real -time tracking capabilities, 紧急扫描 卫星成像 emergency scanners, satellite imaging.)

10. We are tracking a KA, Tyrone Weems. (翻译:我们在找一个关键证人 Tyrone Weems We are tracking a KA, Tyrone Weems.)

11. Call Wylie, tell him to start tracking Pond. (翻译:给Wylie打电话 让他开始追踪Pond Call Wylie, tell him to start tracking Pond.)

12. Our radar began tracking the jets. (翻译:我们的雷达开始追踪那些喷气式飞机。)

13. The machine can be complied in spliting cutting of plastic film. (翻译:主要用于塑料膜、玻璃纸、纸张、铝箔等分切Equipped with photoeledtric tracking。)

14. Dynamic discovery and tracking of relays. (翻译:中继的动态发现和跟踪。)

15. The necklace is equipped with a tracking device. (翻译:项链装了 The necklace is equipped with a tracking device.)


