gedit是什么意思 gedit的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-18 08:19:51南筏

1. 含义:gedit是一款Linux系统下的文本编辑器,可以用来编辑各种文本文件。gedit也可以作为GNU计划的一部分。

gedit是什么意思 gedit的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 功能:gedit可以通过安装插件来扩展其功能,例如代码高亮、自动补全、文本折叠、多文档编辑等。

3. 优劣:gedit是一款开源软件,能够方便地进行定制和扩展。但是由于其只能在Linux系统下使用,对于其他操作系统的用户会存在不便。

4. 应用:gedit可以用于编写各种代码文件,例如Python、Java、C等。gedit也可以用于编辑各种文本文件,例如txt、md、html等。


1. I prefer to use gedit for editing my Python files because it has a simple intece and code highlighting.


2. With gedit, you can easily open multiple documents in one window and switch between them with ease.


3. The gedit text editor is a popular choice for Linux users who need a flexible and powerful text editor.


4. If you're looking for an easy-to-use text editor for your Linux machine, gedit is definitely worth checking out.


5. One of the great things about gedit is that you can customize it to fit your specific needs, whether you're a programmer or a writer.






英文翻译:I use gedit to edit my program code.




例句:Except for yours, babe. What are the odds on an educated single man being at this thing? And I don't mean a GED! (一个有教养的单身男人可能会在这儿鬼混吗?)

例句:Is this really your idea of an apology... or are you just trying to one-up his GED offer? (这真的是你的道歉... 还是你只是想赢他的GED的主意?)


例句:I beg ged you to see a counselor before this happened many times. I have given you a week to get help. (这种事儿此前已经发生了很多次,我恳请你去看一下心理医生。)


例句:And at last, on a high slope that ran up to the stars, Ged slipped and fell forward, and did not get up. (翻译:终于,在一个逼迫星辰的高坡上,Ged脚下一滑,跌倒在地上,再也爬不起来了。)


gedit一般作为名词使用,如在Gedit([网络] 编辑器;文本编辑器;文字编辑器)等常见短语中出现较多。

Gedit[网络] 编辑器;文本编辑器;文字编辑器


1. I beg ged you to see a counselor before this happened many times. I have given you a week to get help. (翻译:这种事儿此前已经发生了很多次,我恳请你去看一下心理医生。)

2. And at last, on a high slope that ran up to the stars, Ged slipped and fell forward, and did not get up. (翻译:终于,在一个逼迫星辰的高坡上,Ged脚下一滑,跌倒在地上,再也爬不起来了。)

3. If she gets a GED, she'll be working at the gas station the rest of her life! (翻译:如果她拿到普通教育水平, 她的一生 将只能在加油站工作!)

4. "Upward: toward the wall, " said Ged, pointing the way he and Arren had come, the long, dark, descending street. (翻译:“向上,走过那堵墙。”Ged说道,指向他和Arren走来的那条冗长、幽暗、不断下降的街道。)

5. Objective: To observe the curative effect of Guilu Erxian Dan (GED) for bone marrow inhibition (BMI) in mammary cancer after chemotherapy. (翻译:目的:观察龟鹿二仙丹加味对乳腺癌化疗后骨髓抑制的治疗作用。)

6. I'm gonna start by trying to get a BA after I finally take the stupid GED test, and after that, if I even get that far, and there's no guarantee I'll even get in, (翻译:我正开始申请一个学位 在我过了普考之后 之后 如果我能走得这么远)

7. I'm afraid the GED only takes you so far nowadays. (翻译:恐怕现在同等学力 也就只能让你走到这儿为止了)

8. He stood still, there in the narrow valley in the dark, and Ged stood still beside him. (翻译:他静静地站在狭长的山谷的黑暗中,Ged依然在他的身旁。)

9. Translate this, put your GED to work, okay? Thank you. How you doing? (翻译:利用你受到的教育 把这个翻译出来,谢谢,你好吗)

10. Are you back in Vietnam? Mr. Nguyen, for the last time, I said you can now kiss the bride. (翻译:你是不是回越南了 Are you back in Vietnam? 你可以亲吻新娘了 I said you can now kiss the bride. 我娶了GED班上的Sonja to Sonja from GED cl.)
