circum是什么意思 circum的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-19 04:47:52溢目灼眼

'circum' 可以翻译为“环绕、周围、围着、绕过、环境、情况”等意思。这个单词常常用在科学、技术、医学、法律等领域中。


circum是什么意思 circum的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. The building was surrounded by a circum wall. (这座建筑被一堵围墙环绕着。)

2. The park is in the circum of a residential area. (这个公园位于居民区的周边。)

3. They walked circum the lake and enjoyed the beautiful view. (他们绕着湖走,并欣赏美丽的景色。)

4. We need to find a way to circum the obstacle. (我们需要找到绕过障碍物的方法。)

5. The company takes into account the circum factors of each market. (这家公司考虑了每个市场的环境因素。)

6. The chefs must follow strict circum procedures in the kitchen. (厨师们必须在厨房遵循严格的程序。)

7. The defendant argued that he was acting within the circum of the law. (被告辩称他是在法律的范围内行事的。)






1. Circumference is the distance around a circle.


2. The fortifications were built around the city to provide a circum defence.





例句:Do you, um - do you have any line on the blackmailer? (um — Do you have any line on the blackmailer?)


例句:I think we spread it initially through IRC, which is Internet Relay Chat. (不,这是完全 口口相传,这是... 我认为,我们最初传播 通过IRC,)


例句:But, um, but, um, but, um, but, um, but, um, (可 那个... 可那个... 可那个 ...)


例句:There are a couple of pubs, he has friends, not many, but they might help him, let him hide out. (翻译:um... let him hide out.)


circum一般作为名词使用,如在effective circum ference(有效圆周长)等常见短语中出现较多。

effective circum ference有效圆周长


1. But, um, but, um, but, um, but, um, but, um, (翻译:可 那个... 可那个... 可那个 ...)

2. There are a couple of pubs, he has friends, not many, but they might help him, let him hide out. (翻译:um... let him hide out.)

3. - Um... stopping bad guys? (翻译:阻止坏人? Um... stopping bad guys?)

4. I first met him on IRC, on Internet Relay Chat. (翻译:or Internet Relay Chat.)

5. Okay, um, the large red cables To your left, can you move them (翻译:Okay, um, the large red cables to your left,)

6. How many... um... speaking? (翻译:How many... um... speaking?)

7. In fact, um, did I, um, since you're in Vermont anyway, did (翻译:事实上, um,做了我, um,自从 无论如何,你在佛蒙特州,做)

8. Um, the view is really beautiful of the comet out there. (翻译:Um, the view is really beautiful of the comet out there.)

9. I still have all my IRC logs since 2001 lying on my HDD. (翻译:我的硬盘里还存有自从xx年以来我写的IRC日志。)

10. No. You know, I, um, I care about, um, (翻译:You know, I, um, I care about, um,)

11. - Not for me, thanks, George. (翻译:- Um -hum... - Not for me, thanks, George.)

12. Um...does anybody have a sabre? (翻译:呃... Um... does anybody have a sabre?)

13. Uh, we just got some, um... (翻译:Uh, we just got some, um...)

14. Hydra IRC, an open source chat client, is quickly gaining a stellar reputation. (翻译:Hydra IRC是一个开源聊天客户端,但它迅速获得了辉煌的声誉。)

15. It's just, my life right now has all these questions... where am I gonna live? (翻译:我们走了 Um... Wow, mom.)
