表情识别用英语怎么说 表情识别英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-18 21:28:03清酒饮恨


1. ...then css-check it against facial recoitions.

表情识别用英语怎么说 表情识别英语翻译

2. - Radio frequency identifications..

3. Robots using algothms to identify facial expressions can children learn or pvide lonely people with a sense of companionship.

译文:比如,用算法识别面部表情机器人 可以用于帮助儿童学习 或者为孤独人作伴。

4. it's impossible to i.D. him.

5. What's that look? That hts!

6. Expemental results on Cohn-Kanade facial expression database demonstrate the effectiveness of this appach.


7. We can scan and css-reference with facial recoition sofare.

8. Now, this is a siate gun, and that is an optical palm reader.

9. Recoition algothms aren't just limited to facial expressions.

10. Other biometc identifiers include yo fingerpnt, voice, is, face, n the shape of yo earlobe.


11. Her face! i cannot get her face out of my mind!
