ing是什么意思 ing的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-19 07:17:52娇纵

ing是什么意思 ing的中文翻译、读音、例句

单词 'ing' 是动词的现在分词和动名词形式,在语法上用作动词和形容词。它的常用场景包括描述正在发生或进行中的动作或状态。例如,"I am running"或"I am studying."

作为名词,'ing' 需要加定冠词 the,通常表示某个活动或事情的进行,如 "the cooking"指做饭的过程。

'ing' 也可以作为形容词,意为"具有......的特征或性质",例如"an interesting book" 意为"有趣的书"。

在英语中,'ing' 常常和其他单词组合使用,形成动词短语和名词短语。例如,"going to"表示将要做某事,"driving test"表示驾照考试等。

在单词发音方面,'ing' 的发音是 []。在拼写方面,'ing' 通常在词尾出现,但也可以出现在词中间,例如"interesting"。



1. He is studying English. (他正在学习英语。)

2. She is singing a song. (她正在唱歌。)

3. They are playing basketball. (他们正在打篮球。)

4. The dog is wagging its tail. (狗正在摇尾巴。)

5. I am typing on my computer. (我正在打字在电脑上。)




例句:They swam right past the front of the boat fli ing and jumping as they went by. (看着他们游过船时,左右翻转,跳跃水面的画面实在难得。)


例句:Do we jump up and down while Shawshank-ing? (难道我们跳上跳下 而肖申克 - ING 号)


例句:She opened an ING Direct savings account. (她开了个荷兰直接银行的储蓄帐户 {\3cH202020}She opened an ING Direct savings account.)


例句:And upstairs, I got the Chinese navy to sink this ship. (翻译:和楼上的,我得到了中国海军 try. ing沉这艘船。)


ing一般作为名词使用,如在not'ing([网络] 不是)、dj'ing([网络] 打碟)、f'ing([网络] 歼击机)等常见短语中出现较多。

not'ing[网络] 不是
dj'ing[网络] 打碟
f'ing[网络] 歼击机
guid ingvt. guide的变形
im'ing[网络] 即时消息
ing form[网络] 现在分词;动名词;做主语
ing group荷兰国际集团公司总部所在地:荷兰主要业务:保险
KO'ingn. 围棋的劫\n[网络] 可口可乐;击倒(knock out);高
mc'ing[网络] 司仪;节目主持;说唱


1. She opened an ING Direct savings account. (翻译:她开了个荷兰直接银行的储蓄帐户 {\3cH202020}She opened an ING Direct savings account.)

2. And upstairs, I got the Chinese navy to sink this ship. (翻译:和楼上的,我得到了中国海军 try. ing沉这艘船。)

3. Notwithstanding this record of growth and change, the Bank is still ~ing with a relatively small number of projects. (翻译:尽管有这些增长和变化的记录,该银行所处理的项目仍然比较少。)

4. 268 years of the glorious Ch'ing Dynasty must not be ended by that Sun Yat-sen. (翻译:大清两百xx年的基业 更不能被这个黄口小儿给搅黄啦)

5. Someone just found her 69-ing a tabby in the alley. (翻译:-ing a tabby in the alley.)

6. The ambient air quality standard for ozone is frequently exceeded in Beij ing in summer and autumn. (翻译:北京在夏天与秋天的臭氧通常会超过周遭空气品质标准。)

7. That day there was much thing and fro ing at Court, settling the affairs of Oboi and his fellow conspirators . (翻译:这日众大臣在康熙跟前,忙的便是处置鳌拜及其同党之事。)

8. The practice in Tangxian County in Baod ing is inspiring to the research and resolution of this problem. (翻译:保定市唐县义务教育城乡师资配置的做法对研究和解决这一问题有一定的启发意义。)

9. Cc or BCC 'ing you on messages that aren't relevant to you. (翻译:将与你无关的信息也抄送或者暗抄送给你。)

10. ing the semantics of the machine instructions to generate an intermediate code representation is key for a decompiler. (翻译:对机器指令进行语义抽象以产生中间代码表示是反编译程序的一个关键环节。)

11. When I first saw her beaver ing away... (翻译:我第一次看见她在卖... ...力苦干 忙前忙后)

12. He was in pain, really suffering, she thught he was ging t die. (翻译:有一阵子他半边身子麻痹了难过得要命 好像松口气就可以走了...)

13. Tim Condon is chief economist and head of research for Asia in the Singapore offices of investment bank ING. (翻译:蒂姆康登是ING投资银行在新加坡办事处的总经济师和亚洲研究部负责人。)

14. Whatever happened to that part in the Jimmy Ing movie? I'm perfect for that. (翻译:无论在那段吉米 因的电影里面发生了什么 我都喜欢他)

15. As an integrated carrier, SWIFT operates busine through rail + rail and shi ing + rail. (翻译:天津海铁联捷作为综合性承运人,通过铁路+铁路以及铁路+海运方式营运。)


