马上解决用英语怎么说 马上解决英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-19 17:53:50半心人


1. The bety of this sort of pactive monitong is that you can fix an architectal layeng pblem immediately after it's discovered.


马上解决用英语怎么说 马上解决英语翻译

2. it's a timely matter, it has to be handled quickly.

译文:这只是时间问题 得马上解决 It's a timely matter, it has to be handled quickly.。

3. - i will explain this spectacular operation only once. - Yo knots won't hold me forr!

4. if something can be decided locally, it shouldn't be determined nationally.

译文:如果事情能在地解决, 它就不应该在国家层面上解决。

5. i ask for the immediate removal of the pes and handcuffs.

6. We should fire her immediately, ght?

7. Listen. We're going to tal.

8. The ancestors said... if the matter is not settled immediately, they will begin... the cycle of destruction!

译文:可是老说 如果这件事不马上解决话 他们就要把灭顶之 降到我们家里。

9. No you explain now! i want you to explain ght now!

10. There are matters beeen us we must discus immediately.

11. it's not about any score. Hey, if you people want to go to cot...

12. if you want, i'll kill him for an extra charge.

13. We'd do this over the phone, but there's another pblem.
