sanford是什么意思 sanford的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-22 11:09:01问安


sanford是什么意思 sanford的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 姓氏:Sanford是一个英文姓氏,来源于古英语中的Sandford,意为“沙滩上的浅水地”;

2. 地名:Sanford是美国佛罗里达州塞米诺尔县的一个城市,也是缅因州的一个城镇、北达科他州的一座市镇等;

3. 品牌:Sanford是一个著名的文具品牌,主要生产笔、墨水等。


1. 姓氏:Sanford是一些英语国家的常见姓氏之一,例如美国、英国、加拿大等;

2. 地名:人们会在旅行、社交、地理学等场合中提到Sanford;

3. 品牌:Sanford是一些学生、职场人士、艺术家等使用的文具品牌。


1. Sanford, Florida:佛罗里达州的Sanford城市;

2. Sanford and Son:美国电视剧,播出于1972-xx年,讲述一个父子二人的故事;

3. Sanford Sharpie:Sanford公司生产的一种常用的记号笔。


1. Sanford Stadium:乔治亚大学体育场;

2. Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy:一本由Sanford公司出版的抗微生物治疗指南;

3. Sanford School of Public Policy:位于美国杜克大学的公共政策学院。






1. Stanford 是一所世界著名的大学。

Translation: Stanford is a world-renowned university.

2. 桑福德是一座美丽的城市,拥有许多历史建筑和自然景观。

Translation: Sanford is a beautiful city with many historical buildings and natural landscapes.




例句:Court is in session. The Honorable Judge Sanford Warren presiding. (审理开始 法官大人Sandford Warren主持审理)


例句:Sanford is providing Fowler with a new identity, and a new life waiting for him in Bogota. (Sanford给Fowler办了新身份 安排了新生活 地点就在... 波哥大)


例句:- General Sanford Smithers? (- That is... -General Sanford Smithers?)


例句:Once, noticing that his trademark blue blazer had become so frayed that repair was pointless, Mrs. Sanford bought him a new one. (翻译:有一次,珊弗夫人注意到他的蓝火牌子已经磨损得破旧不堪,并且修复无望,于是便重新给他买了一个。)


sanford一般作为名词使用,如在Mount Sanford([地名] 芒特桑福德 ( 澳 ))、sanford b dole([网络] 桑福德多尔)、sanford mt.(桑福山)等常见短语中出现较多。

Mount Sanford[地名] 芒特桑福德 ( 澳 )
sanford b dole[网络] 桑福德多尔
sanford mt.桑福山
Sanford R.[地名] 桑福德河 ( 澳 )
Sanford's test[医] 桑福德氏试验(检溶血)


1. - General Sanford Smithers? (翻译:- That is... -General Sanford Smithers?)

2. Once, noticing that his trademark blue blazer had become so frayed that repair was pointless, Mrs. Sanford bought him a new one. (翻译:有一次,珊弗夫人注意到他的蓝火牌子已经磨损得破旧不堪,并且修复无望,于是便重新给他买了一个。)

3. Wasn't there a--? A Dr. Sanford Ellicott? (翻译:这里有位Sanford Ellicott吗?)

4. I first started to learn this most vividly from Matthew Sanford. (翻译:我最开始是清楚地认识到这一点 是从马修桑福德那里。)

5. Sanford had not received permission from the letter writer, and she entreated both Sanford and the gallery to remove the works from display. (翻译:桑福德不曾得到写信人的许可,她恳求桑福德和画廊不要展览这些照片。)

6. She invited the reporter to lunch, walking down marble halls where the Sanford boys had raced on skateboards, antique chandeliers quavering. (翻译:她曾经邀请记者来吃午餐,与他们一起在珊弗家的孩子们玩滑板的大理石大厅里散步——这个大厅里有颤抖的古董吊灯。)

7. We have a patient here by the name of William James Sanford. Is that your father? (翻译:我们这有位病人叫做威廉詹姆斯山佛德, 是你父亲吗?)

8. Sanford isactually a little crestfallen because he can't find a peanut worm, an odd thingin the phylum Sipuncula that would give us an even ten. (翻译:事实上,斯坦福有点沮丧,因为他没能找到星虫,一种属于星虫动物门的奇怪动物,如果能找到,那么发现的动物种类将正好是十个。)

9. Sanford, I have to talk to you. (翻译:I have to talk to you.)

10. Did you hear about Mark Sanford, the governor of South Carolina? (翻译:你们听说南卡罗来纳州州长马克桑福德了吗? )

11. So let's put our hands together for New Jersey's own Violet Sanford! (翻译:那么我们一起鼓掌欢迎来自纽泽西的 怀奥莱特山佛德。)

12. 'l hereby bequeath to my son, Charles Sanford Babbitt... that certain Buick convertible... the very car that, unfortunately, brought our relationship to an end. (翻译:愿那两者能提醒他极品的价值 我遗留给我儿子查理・巴比特 那辆别克敞篷车 也就是我们断决父子关系的车)

13. I first started to learn this most vividly from Matthew Sanford. (翻译:我最开始是清楚地认识到这一点 是从马修桑福德那里。)

14. As you all know, my best friend, Violet Sanford, has decided.. (翻译:就你们所知,我最要好的朋友, 怀奥莱特山佛德, 决定..)

15. His name is James Sanford Jenkins, nicknamed Lefty. (翻译:他叫詹姆士. 桑福德. 詹金斯 外号叫左撇子)


