永远相伴用英语怎么说 永远相伴英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-23 16:02:47一曲墨白

永远相伴在英语中翻译是" You Are Not Alone",还经常被译作 Forr,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到37个与永远相伴相关译文和例句。

永远相伴翻译为 To be there and rywhere。

永远相伴用英语怎么说 永远相伴英语翻译

示例:There is sun rywhere There is sun rywhere

17. element of association(相伴元素)

16. in saecula saeculorum([拉]永远永远)

I will nr be with you ( 我将永远无缘与你相伴 )

And you always beside me ( 永远与我相伴 )

let me always be with you ( 让我永远与你相伴 )

17. And just enjoy each other's company.

16. With all the years ahead of us i will nr go away and we will be together ry day

17. Tell her you were brave, and always, always in the company of coage, mostly the days when you just had yoself.

译文:告诉她你曾勇敢, 永远,永远 勇气与你相伴, 大多数子里,当你独自一人。

16. So may books be always with you.

17. He bngs a fair maiden today?

16. "'You are my special girl. You will always be with me

17. Lying beside me one night was a Hollywood pncess. "is it me?" she asked. "The pain can't be that bad".

16. "Wherr she goes, death follows"?

17. Nr alone, always together...

16. i grew up amongst those animals.

17. Fall with me, so we can be together forr!

16. Mindo: Nr underestimate any living spits will to svive especially when they're sunded by family.


17. ♪ When i dream i'm alone with you ♪

16. i will nr go away And we will be together

译文:我永远不会离开你,我们会相伴每一天 I will nr go away And we will be together。

17. "Shang the fun we are having."
