yield to是什么意思 yield to的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-23 17:50:47青衫忆笙


Yield to 是一个动词短语,意为“屈服于;让步于;服从于”。以下分别从意思、用法、词性、搭配及例句等方面进行介绍。

yield to是什么意思 yield to的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意思:

Yield to 意为让步于、屈从于,表示某个人或事情屈服于另一个人或事情。

2. 用法:

Yield to 通常是作为动词短语来使用的,常与介词 to/unto 连用,表示屈服于某个人或事物。也可以作为短语动词中的主动词使用,常用于被动语态。

3. 词性:

Yield to 是一个动词短语。

4. 搭配:

yield to authority(屈从于权威)

yield to temptation (屈服于)

yield to pressure(屈服于压力)

yield to reason(屈服于理性)

yield to emotion(屈服于情感)

5. 例句:

1. He refused to yield to the temptation of eating junk food.


2. The CEO did not yield to the pressure from his shareholders.


3. The rebellious group refused to yield to the authority of the government.


4. He had to yield to his wife's request to sell the house.


5. The politician finally yielded to reason and changed his stance on the issue.


yield to的意思是“屈服于”,“让步于”。


读音:[jild tu]


1. He refused to yield to their demands. 他拒绝屈服于他们的要求。

2. We should not yield to temptation easily. 我们不应该轻易地屈服于。

3. The company decided to yield to the customers' complaints and improve their services. 公司决定让步于顾客的抱怨,并改进他们的服务。

yield to的意思是"让步于、屈服于",其次还有"向…投降"的意思,读音为[yieldto],yield to来源于英语,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到22个与yield to相关的例句。

Yield to的词典翻译


例句:The yield of crude polysaccharide from Herba Asari was 9.6%. (细辛全草粉碎后经沸水提取得到细辛粗多糖,总得率为9.6%。)


例句:The yield is above 74.4% after optimization. (最优化后的产量为74.4%以上。)


例句:Yield and Quality Formation and Regulation of Isatis Indigotica Fort; (能改善成形产品的光泽,质量稳定。)


yield to一般作为名词使用,如在yield(产量)、to yield([网络] 屈服;让步;产出)、differential yield(微分产率)等常见短语中出现较多。

to yield[网络] 屈服;让步;产出
differential yield微分产率
diffusive yield[统计] 扩散产率
direct yield[经] 直接收益
ductile yield延性屈服
earnings yield[经] 净收益率
economic yield经济产量
discount yield折扣收益率


1. Yield and Quality Formation and Regulation of Isatis Indigotica Fort; (翻译:能改善成形产品的光泽,质量稳定。)

2. Nevertheless, Merinos also yield mutton and mutton breeds also yield wool. (翻译:尽管如此,美利诺绵羊也能产肉而肉羊也产羊毛。)

3. Seems to me that a savings account would yield a higher rate of return. (翻译:在我看来 储蓄账户 Seems to me that a savings account 会比这利润更高些 would yield a higher rate of return.)

4. Indeed, the yield curve is already steepening in these countries. (翻译:事实上,这些经济体的收益曲线的斜率已经开始增大。)

5. It cannot yield excessive profits either. (翻译:它不能收益过多的利润。It cannot yield excessive profits either.)

6. Yield and quality of the fruit closed with Hamlin orange. (翻译:产量和品质与母本接近; )

7. Under this conditions, the yield of glyceryl triacetate was up to 94%. (翻译:此条件下,三醋酸酯收率超过94%。)

8. The NOPA oil yield of 11.34 pounds would indicate a Census oil yield of 11.28 pounds. (翻译:NOPA的豆油产出率为11.34英磅,这就意味着普查局的豆油产出率为11.28英磅。)

9. They yield to the slightest movement or motion or emotion. (翻译:他们让步于最轻微的运动 或手势,或情感。)

10. The influence of temperature on yield and colour of product in bromination of benzene ring as well as the influence of bromine feeding speed on yield of brominated sidechains were investigated. (翻译:考察了反应温度对苯环上溴代产物收率和色泽的影响以及溴素滴加速度对侧链光溴代产物收率的影响。)

11. Compared to the CK, 25%of bioorganic fertilizer treatments increased the yield by 8. 3%and starch yield by 8. 9%. (翻译:25%生物有机肥处理产量比对照增加8.3%,淀粉产量提高8.9%,而石灰对木薯产量与淀粉产量没有显著的影响。)

12. By this separate process, yield of nisin overrun 60%. (翻译:应用此分离提取工艺,乳链菌肽的总收率在60%以上。)

13. Response of aquasorb, fertilizer and their interaction to growth and yield of potato (翻译:保水剂、氮肥及其交互作用对马铃薯生长和产量的效应)

14. I have come here to die, according to the law, and thus yield myself to the will of the King, my lord. (翻译:我依法来此受死 I have come here to die, according to the law, 来服从吾王 我的夫君的意志 and thus yield myself to the will of the King,my lord.)

15. Results Methenolone acetate was prepared in high yield. (翻译:结果此法以较高收率合成了美替醋酸酯。)
