互为因果用英语怎么说 互为因果英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-25 06:23:44猫丶小咪

互为因果英语有两种说法,可以翻译为 recipcal csation,还经常被译作recipcal csation,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到11个与互为因果相关译文和例句。

互为因果翻译为interact as both cse and effect。

示例:'Cse they both tned their phones off. 他俩电话都关机了 'Cse they both tned their phones off.

互为因果用英语怎么说 互为因果英语翻译

1. recipcal csation([法] 互为因果)

2. "What hts is when it is. .."

3. Cse and effect... my fend.

4. Regarding of the relationship of financial dlopment and economic gwth, the general view was that the o recipcal csation.


5. idea and imagination are recipcal csation. On the on hand, an abstract music image is d by the atonality and complex playing skills.


6. Only the angles that compse it can be judged that way.

7. There's a reason for rything. There's got to be.

8. The "Two Vanguards" and the "Two Bases", being cse and effect to each other and complementing each other, form a perfect unity.


9. You know, one wouldn't exist without the other one

10. Csality constraint supported by HOAM algothm is pved.

11. Cse and effect, that's the bety of it.

12. Things don't happen for a reason.

13. And after that... we can go back to being enemies.

14. See, it's all about , Jin.
