apr是什么意思 apr的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-27 19:08:52ヤ┅霏昵ヤ

1. 含义:'apr'是'annual percentage rate'的缩写,意为年利率。在金融业和贷款领域中广泛使用。

apr是什么意思 apr的中文翻译、读音、例句


- The APR on my credit card is 18%, which means I have to pay 18% interest on any balance I carry from month to month.

- The bank offered me a loan with an APR of 5.5%, which is very competitive compared to other lenders.

- The APR for this mortgage is 3.75%, but there may be additional fees and charges that could affect the total cost of the loan.

- It's important to compare the APRs of different credit products to ensure you're getting the best deal.

- The APR on this car loan is higher than I expected, so I'm going to shop around for a better rate.

2. 计算:APR的计算方法比较复杂,通常涉及到利率、复利、还款期限、付款方式、额外费用等因素。


- The APR calculation takes into account not only the interest rate, but also any fees or charges ociated with the loan.

- To determine the true cost of a loan or credit card, you need to look beyond the APR and consider the overall terms and conditions.

- The APR can vary depending on the repayment schedule you choose – for example, paying monthly vs. quarterly.

- When comparing different financial products, make sure you're comparing the APRs based on the same repayment terms and other factors.

- You can use online calculators to estimate your monthly payments and total cost based on the APR and other variables.

3. 应用场景:APR适用于各种金融产品,如信用卡、贷款、房屋抵押贷款、汽车贷款等。


- The credit card company must disclose the APR in the terms and conditions, so you can compare it with other cards.

- The APR on a payday loan can be as high as 400% or more, so be sure to read the fine print before borrowing.

- When shopping for a mortgage, it's important to compare the APRs of different lenders to see which one offers the best deal.

- Some lenders offer 0% APR financing for a limited time, but be aware of any fees or penalties if you don't pay off the balance in full.

- The APR on a personal loan may be higher than on a secured loan, since there's no collateral to secure the lender's investment.

4. 区别:APR和APY(annual percentage yield)是两个不同的概念,APR指的是简单利率,而APY指的是复利率。


- The APR on this savings account is only 0.5%, but the APY is 0.51% when you take into account the compounding interest.

- Be careful not to confuse the APR with the APY when shopping for financial products, as the latter can be higher due to the effect of compound interest.

- If you're comparing different investment options, make sure you're using the same basis (APR or APY) to make an apples-to-apples comparison.

- The difference between APR and APY may seem small, but it can add up over time for long-term savings or loans.

- When calculating your investment earnings or loan payments, you may want to use an online calculator that factors in both APR and APY.

5. 实际意义:APR是评估贷款或信用卡的真实成本的重要指标,也可以帮助消费者做出更明智的财务决策。


- The high APR on this loan means I'll be paying a lot more in interest over time, so I may opt for a different financing option.

- By comparing the APRs of different credit cards, I can choose one with a lower interest rate and save money on my balance.

- When refinancing my mortgage, I looked for a lender with a lower APR to reduce my overall costs and monthly payments.

- The APR can be a useful tool for budgeting and financial planning, as it gives you an idea of how much you'll owe in interest over time.

- While the APR is an important factor to consider when choosing a loan or credit card, it's also important to read the fine print and understand all of the terms and conditions.



1. The APR on this credit card is 18%. (这张信用卡的年利率是18%。)

2. Don't forget to compare APRs between different lenders. (别忘了在不同的贷款人之间比较年利率。)

3. The APR is determined by a number of factors, including credit history and loan term. (年利率由多个因素决定,包括信用历史和贷款期限。)

4. The mortgage company offers an APR of 3.5% for a 30-year fixed-rate loan. (这家抵押贷款公司提供了xx年固定利率贷款的3.5%年利率。)

5. Always read the fine print to understand how APR is calculated. (要理解如何计算年利率,一定要阅读条款细则。)

6. The APR for this car loan is higher than I expected. (这笔汽车贷款的年利率比我预期的要高。)

7. Some lenders may advertise a low APR but charge hidden fees. (有些贷款人可能会宣传低年利率,但收取隐藏费用。)

8. The credit card's APR varies depending on the balance and payment history. (信用卡的年利率根据余额和付款历史而变化。)

9. I chose this loan because it had the lowest APR and no prepayment penalty. (我选择了这笔贷款,因为它有最低的年利率,而且没有预付款罚款。)


apr是“年利率”(Annual Percentage Rate)的缩写。


英 [epi(r)] 美 [epir]


1. This credit card offers a low APR of 10% for the first six months.(这张信用卡首六个月的年利率为10%。)

2. Be sure to compare the APR of different loan options before a decision.(在做决定之前,一定要比较不同贷款选项的年利率。)

3. The bank charges a high APR on cash advances.(银行对提现收取高年利率。)




例句:Save the APR file and the database. (保存apr文件和数据库。)


例句:And what's more, most cards can offer a great low APR as the issuers aren't having to fund expensive introductory deals or cashback schemes. (何况最伟大的卡可以提供低电不必为发行人或交易基金昂贵介绍cashback计划。)


例句:The major measures against APR are striking out a suit or an appeal, fine, fee of the suit and overturning of res judicata. (对APR进行预防和处罚的措施主要有:驳回起诉或上诉、罚款、承担诉讼费用、推翻既判力等。)


例句:Day after day, week after week... (翻译:一天又一天 jour aprs jour, 一周又一周 semaine aprs semaine.)


apr一般作为名词使用,如在APR(大气分布图记录系统 年度成本百分率)等常见短语中出现较多。

APR大气分布图记录系统 年度成本百分率


1. The major measures against APR are striking out a suit or an appeal, fine, fee of the suit and overturning of res judicata. (翻译:对APR进行预防和处罚的措施主要有:驳回起诉或上诉、罚款、承担诉讼费用、推翻既判力等。)

2. Day after day, week after week... (翻译:一天又一天 jour aprs jour, 一周又一周 semaine aprs semaine.)

3. Yeah, it's APR-15, do you know what that means? (翻译:是啊,这是APR -15 你知道这意味着什么?)

4. The Exhibiton started from Mar. 28 and will last 10 days until Apr. 8. (翻译:展览从xx月xx日开始,至xx月xx日结束,历时10天。)

5. 9th Apr 1984 France Algeria, Australia, Colombia, Ethiopia, France, India, Indonesia, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Mexico, Norway, Tunisia, United States of America. (翻译:月xx年1984法国阿尔及利亚,澳大利亚,哥伦比亚,埃塞俄比亚,法国,印度,印度尼西亚,伯利比亚民众国,墨西哥,挪威,突尼斯,合众国。)

6. Too bad for him. The rule of Pierre. So, goodbye, Joseph. (翻译:但随后出现了 所以再见约瑟夫 mais Staline est arriv aprs.)

7. But after our conversation you can no longer pretend as if you knew nothing about it! (翻译:但在我们谈话之后 mais aprs la conversation, 你不能做得像你不知道一样 tu ne peux plus faire comme si tu savais pas.)

8. You can get the body later. (翻译:少废话 你一会再来 Tais -toi! Tetourneras ici aprs.)

9. Avoid 0% APR CARDS. (翻译:避免0%年利率卡。)

10. Save this APR and DBF files. (翻译:保存此 APR 和 DBF 文件。)

11. And then you are leave them to me, overwrought, wet with sweat, backpacks must be packed, stories read, stuffed animals be found, (翻译:然后你就把兴奋且浑身臭汗的孩子丢给我 Aprs, tu me les laisses sur les bras, surexcits, en sueur, 我要收拾书包 avec les cartables prparer, 讲故事 les histoires raconter,)

12. A lot of students at small colleges can apply for an APR of 10 to 9 percent and also apply for a credit card that has no annual fee. (翻译:许多在小大学生可以申请到年息在百分之十九左右,而且不收不收年费的信用卡。)

13. The Exhibiton started from Mar. 28 and will last 10 days until Apr. (翻译:展览从xx月xx日开始,至xx月xx日结束,历时10天。)

14. Fl. Apr-May, occasionally in autumn at apices of new branches. (翻译:花期4-xx月,偶尔在秋天在新枝先端开花。)

15. Now, if you can't afford the full payment of $618,429, we can offer monthly installments at an APR of 19.6%, standard for a generic pancreatic unit. (翻译:如果不能支付全部61万8429美元费用 可以按月付款 年利率19.6% 这是普通胰脏器官的标准费用)
