五明用英语怎么说 五明的英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-29 06:44:40默笙

五明在英语中翻译是"open cutting",其次还可以说成"open cut",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到17个与五明相关短语翻译和用法。

1. - Benjamin. - Hi. - Benjamin.

五明用英语怎么说 五明的英语翻译

2. Comrade Solomin! - Can't we save it?

3. - Thank you, Dom! Thank you.

4. Ah Myung Boo, why are you acting like this? Myung Boo...

5. Tell me who the hell Ming is. Ming?

6. 'Blliant, it affects others'.

7. - Same goes for Mingo. Right, Mingo?

8. it's at the Maple Hospital.

9. Oh, Mindy. Poor, poor Mindy.

10. Only death is out there, it's clear.
