shakeit是什么意思 shakeit的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-29 09:26:41尽情嘲笑

shakeit是什么意思 shakeit的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性分析:

'shakeit' 可以是一个动词,表示“摇晃它”,也可以是一个名词,表示“摇晃”的动作或状态。此外,'shakeit' 还可以是一个缩写词,代表“摇晃”、“晃动”的意思,常用于社交媒体或聊天软件中。

2. 用法说明:

动词 'shakeit' 通常用于表示摇晃某个对象或身体部位,比如 'shakeit baby' 或 'shakeit off'。名词 'shakeit' 则指的是摇晃的动作或状态,可以用于诸如 'She's got the shakeit' 或 'I love the shakeit' 等句子中。缩写词 'shakeit' 则可以表示某个人或物在摇晃或晃动中,例如 'He's got the shakeit' 或 'The car has a bit of a shakeit'.

3. 行业场景:

'shakeit' 在音乐和舞蹈等领域中很常见,尤其是在流行舞曲和夜店音乐中。此外,'shakeit' 也可以引申为积极的心态和行为,例如 'shakeit off' 就是指摆脱消极情绪的方式。


1. She shookit baby and danced to the music. 她摇晃着身体随着音乐跳舞。

2. Shakeit off and move on. 摆脱它并继续前行。

3. He's got the shakeit and can't stop moving. 他有些摇摆不停,停不下来了。

4. The car has a bit of a shakeit on the highway. 汽车在高速公路上有些抖动。

5. I love the shakeit of a good dance routine. 我喜欢舞蹈中的摇晃感觉。

shakeit的中文翻译为"摇晃它",读音为/shk it/。


1. You need to shakeit well before using it. (你需要在使用前好好摇晃一下。)

2. She loves to shakeit to her favorite music. (她喜欢随着自己喜欢的音乐跳舞摇摆。)

3. The bartender asked if I wanted my tail shaken or stirred, and I chose shakeit. (调酒师问我想要点的鸡尾酒是摇还是搅,我选择了摇晃。)




例句:What do you say, we shake on it? (你要不要,我们握手同意? What do you say, we shake on it ?)


例句:Come on, shake your body, baby Do that conga (Come on, shake your body, baby Do that conga)

例句:~ To shake these zipper blues ~ (# To shake these zipper blues #)


1. ~ To shake these zipper blues ~ (翻译:# To shake these zipper blues #)

2. And yet my hands still shake. (翻译:但是我的手还是不听使唤 And yet my hands still shake.)

3. # Shake, shake, shake, Senora Shake it all the time (翻译:摇摆吧 摇摆吧 摇摆吧 赛罗娜 无休止的摇摆吧)

4. You want some fries with that shake? (翻译:要不要点薯条配奶昔? You want some fries with that shake?)

5. Yes, the best way to get the soda out of the bottle is to shake it and shake it and shake it. (翻译:是的,以获得最佳的方法 苏打出瓶 是摇 并动摇它,动摇它。)

6. ♪ the ground, it will shake ♪ (翻译:* the ground, it will shake *?)

7. She pioneered the syncopated booty shake. (翻译:她发明了切分音电臀 She pioneered the syncopated booty shake.)

8. You will smile and shake hands and kiss babies. (翻译:给我微笑 跟人握手 亲亲小孩子 You will smile and shake hands and kiss babies.)

9. And shake till you feel better (翻译:And shake till you feel better)

10. All right, shake hands or paws. (翻译:shake hands or paws.)

11. Then it decided to see what happens if you shake the ant farm. (翻译:然后决定试试 摇晃蚂蚁农场 观察反应 Then it decided to see what happens if you shake the ant farm.)

12. ♪ shake it fast, watch yourself ♪ (翻译:『Shake it fast watch yourself』)

13. Not going to shake your hand. (翻译:不打算跟你握手。Not going to shake your hand.)

14. I want you to shake on that. (翻译:I want you to shake on that.)

15. ~ Shake it, shake it, baby ~ (翻译:# Shake it, shake it, baby #)
