德川家重用英语怎么说 德川家重英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-31 07:37:38情域

德川家重用英语说"Tokchon",还网络中常译为"tokugawa shogunate",在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到67个与德川家重相关释义和例句。

译文:这个人,静静地规划\不秀吉 是德川家康德川可以信赖人。

1. if we went to her and apologised...

德川家重用英语怎么说 德川家重英语翻译

2. Shigeharu's confession's detailed.

3. Howr... this Clan was a link in Tokugawa power.

4. Tokugawa Leyacu is big, he is Japan only's general.

5. i was dven out by the Tokugawa

6. What do you think of Leyasu?

7. Sagawa family is a big landlord in Kyoto.

8. ieyasu does not move capciously.

9. The Kokawa mansion... The Mizushima mansion... The Yasuda mansion and the Akutsu mansion...

10. Hello, Kawahata residence.
