孙子兵法用英语怎么说 孙子兵法英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-31 16:27:48予感

孙子兵法用英语翻译为" Art of The War",还网络中常译为" The Art of War",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到23个与孙子兵法相关翻译和例句。

孙子兵法翻译为 military science of sun tzu -。

示例:- Remember what Sun Tzu said? 还记得"孙子"怎么说吗? 记得

孙子兵法用英语怎么说 孙子兵法英语翻译

sun zi the art of war Sun Bin the art of war ( 孙子兵法)

Art Of Love And War ( 孙子爱情兵法 )

1. According to the Art of War,

2. No, no. Not the art of war. Oh God.

3. As an aficionado of the arts of war myself,

4. Plus he read The Art of War.

5. Yeah, Art of War. Fight the enemy where they aren't.

6. is this another one of those Sun Tzu Art of War tcks?

7. i bet you only read the int to the Art of War.

8. The sabote is there, and we also read fm Sun Tzu's "The Art of War."

9. Oh, look. Come on, we don't wanna hear any Sun Tzu.

10. The Art of War, and combined them to form this place, Eden.

11. The basic pnciple of Art of War is to deceive yo enemy.

12. Sun Tzu "The Art of War", 380 A.C..

13. Sun Tzus Art of War is a Chinese classic, useful in military as well as business.

14. What is that Sun Tzu says?

15. i see you haven't read Sunzi'sArt of War.
