gnss是什么意思 gnss的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-05 12:37:33解语

1. 含义:GNSS 是全球导航卫星系统的缩写,通常指的是全球定位系统(GPS)以及其他国家的卫星导航系统(如俄罗斯的格洛纳斯系统、欧洲的伽利略系统、中国的北斗系统)。GNSS 能够通过卫星信号实现全球位置精确定位和导航。


gnss是什么意思 gnss的中文翻译、读音、例句

- GNSS is an acronym for Global Navigation Satellite System.

- The US GPS satellite system is used by many countries around the world to provide GNSS services.

- The European Union's Galileo GNSS system provides coverage over Europe, Africa and parts of Asia.

- The Russian GLONASS GNSS system is used primarily for military purposes.

- China's BeiDou system is China's own GNSS system that is rapidly gaining popularity around the world.

2. 原理: GNSS 的原理是通过卫星向地面发射射频信号,接收器收到信号之后计算信号传输时间并解算出位置信息,从而实现全球定位和导航。


- GNSS relies on a network of satellites that orbit the Earth and transmit signals to receivers on the ground.

- GPS is a satellite-based GNSS that was developed by the US Department of Defense.

- The accuracy of GNSS positioning is affected by a variety of factors, including atmospheric conditions and the number of satellites in view.

- To improve the accuracy of GNSS positioning, many devices now use multiple satellite systems, such as GPS and GLONASS.

- GNSS also enables the use of satellite-based time synchronization, which is essential for many applications, such as telecommunications and financial transactions.

3. 应用:GNSS 在许多领域都有广泛的应用,包括交通运输、航空航天、农业、地质勘探等,尤其是对于定位和导航要求比较高的领域。


- GNSS is widely used in the transportation industry for vehicle tracking and route planning.

- In the aviation industry, GNSS is a key technology for aircraft navigation and landing.

- Farmers use GNSS to support precision agriculture techniques such as variable-rate fertilization and irrigation.

- Geologists use GNSS to study earthquakes, plate tectonics, and other geological phenomena.

- GNSS is also used for surveying and mapping, and by outdoor enthusiasts for hiking and other activities.

4. 精度:GNSS 的精度是指定位的准确程度,主要受到信号传输的误差、接收器的误差等因素的影响。


- The accuracy of GNSS positioning can vary from a few meters to a few centimeters, depending on the device and the conditions.

- The US military's GPS system has the highest accuracy of any GNSS, with a typical accuracy of about 5 meters.

- The accuracy of GNSS can be improved by using differential correction techniques, which involve comparing the signals from multiple receivers to eliminate errors.

- GNSS devices can also use augmentation systems that provide additional correction and accuracy information, such as the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) in the United States.

- The accuracy of GNSS is essential for many applications, such as navigation of ships and airplanes, and precision agriculture.

5. 安全:GNSS 也面临一些安全问题,如恶意干扰、信号屏蔽等,这些都可能导致 GNSS 定位精度下降、甚至失效。


- GNSS signals can be disrupted by a variety of factors, including atmospheric conditions and interference from other electronic devices.

- GPS jamming and sfing are techniques used to disrupt GNSS positioning and can be used for malicious purposes, such as disabling tracking devices or disrupting transportation systems.

- The loss of GNSS signals can have serious consequences, such as in the case of an airplane crash caused by a loss of GPS signal.

- To improve the security of GNSS systems, some countries are developing their own independent systems, such as China's BeiDou system.

- Researchers are also exploring alternative positioning technologies, such as visual odometry and inertial navigation, to supplement GNSS and improve reliability in challenging environments.

'GNSS'不是一个国家的语言,而是一个缩写词,全称是“全球导航卫星系统”(Global Navigation Satellite System)的英文缩写。它是指一种由多颗卫星组成的全球性导航卫星系统,能够为全球用户提供高精度、连续、全天候的导航、定位、授时和速度测量等服务。目前全球范围内的GNSS系统主要有美国的GPS、俄罗斯的GLONASS、欧洲的Galileo和中国的北斗系统。常见翻译包括“全球卫星导航系统”、“全球系统”等。


1. GPS是一种广泛使用的GNSS系统,可以在全球范围内提供精确的定位服务。 (英文:GPS is a widely used GNSS system that provides precise positioning services globally.)

2. 北斗系统是中国自主研发的GNSS系统之一,已经覆盖了全球范围内的许多国家和地区。 (英文:The Beidou system is one of the GNSS systems independently developed by China and has covered many countries and regions worldwide.)

3. GLONASS是俄罗斯的GNSS系统,可以在全球范围内提供高精度的导航和定位服务。 (英文:GLONASS is the GNSS system of Russia, which can provide high-precision navigation and positioning services globally.)

4. Galileo是欧洲联盟的GNSS系统,目标是为欧洲和全球用户提供和高精度的定位和导航服务。 (英文:Galileo is the GNSS system of the European Union, which aims to provide independent and high-precision positioning and navigation services for users in Europe and globally.)

5. GNSS技术在航空、交通运输、海洋、测绘等行业有着广泛的应用。 (英文:GNSS technology has wide applications in industries such as aviation, transportation, maritime, surveying and mapping, etc.)

6. GNSS技术可以实现高精度的航空导航和自动驾驶系统,具有重要的应用价值。 (英文:GNSS technology can achieve high-precision aeronautical navigation and autonomous driving systems, which has important application value.)

7. 在无线通信领域,GNSS技术可以用来实现位置服务和无线信号覆盖评估等功能。 (英文:In the field of wireless communication, GNSS technology can be used to implement location-based services and wireless signal coverage essment.)

8. GNSS系统的安全和可靠性对用户来说是至关重要的,需要进行严格的数据保护和系统维护。 (英文:The security and reliability of GNSS systems are crucial for users, which require strict data protection and system maintenance.)

9. 随着GNSS技术的不断发展,越来越多的应用场景将会涌现,为人类带来更多的便利和创新。 (英文:With the continuous development of GNSS technology, more and more application scenarios will emerge, bringing more convenience and innovation to humanity.)

gnss的中文翻译是全球卫星导航系统,读音为gun lu wi xn do hng xtn。


Translation: Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is a technology based on satellite navigation and positioning, which can be used in various fields such as aviation, maritime, and land.



例句:As a result, researching for multi-mode multi-frequency GNSS receiver is of great significance. (因此,多模多频GNSS接收机的研究具有重要的意义。)


例句:As a new remote sensing tool, the GNSS-R technique is imperfect and developing, so the future work has been outlined in the end of the text. (GNSS-R技术作为一种新型的遥感手段还在不断的完善中,因此,在文章最后提出了下一步的工作设想。)


例句:Fourth, real time bending angle estimation by singular ground-based GNSS station is studied. (第四、研究了单站地基GNSS实时估计弯曲角。)


例句:The Beidou navigation Satellite System has become the third GNSS applied in international navigation. (翻译:北斗导航系统成为第三个面向国际航海应用的全球卫星导航系统。)


gnss一般作为名词使用,如在GNSS([网络] 全球导航卫星系统(Global Navigation Satellite System);全球卫星导航系统;卫星导航定位)等常见短语中出现较多。

GNSS[网络] 全球导航卫星系统(Global Navigation Satellite System);全球卫星导航系统;卫星导航定位


1. Fourth, real time bending angle estimation by singular ground-based GNSS station is studied. (翻译:第四、研究了单站地基GNSS实时估计弯曲角。)

2. The Beidou navigation Satellite System has become the third GNSS applied in international navigation. (翻译:北斗导航系统成为第三个面向国际航海应用的全球卫星导航系统。)
