urinal是什么意思 urinal的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-05 15:08:43洤剧终


urinal是什么意思 urinal的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. Peeing next to you at the inal.

2. i enjoy the ell of inal cake.

翻译:我喜欢空气清新剂味道 {\3cH000000}I enjoy the ell of inal cake.。

3. Pedlar's excrement! King Unal!

4. Reaching inside himself, he ejaculated in the inal before him.

5. Becse it's gotta be tough standing at a inal, ing on yo own icles.

6. So i saw yo boy Andrew at the inal.

7. A few years later, Marcel Duchamp asserted that a inal was art.


8. Mate, mate, mate, mate... A word in the inal.

9. "...one trader is now ing a hand-held inal normally used by cops on stakeouts..."

翻译:...有一个交易人正在试用一个手提式壶 这通常是警察在监视嫌犯时使用...。

10. How can i reach the inal?

11. What do they have in the bathom? Unal cakes with my face on it.

12. Yeah, but he ells like a inal cake.

翻译:嗯,但他闻起来会很像消臭块 Yeah, but he ells like a inal cake.。

13. Ameca's inal cake and still enjoy the occasional visit.

翻译:就是便池 Ameca's inal cake 但是偶尔去去还是不错啊 and still enjoy the occasional visit.。

14. (Lghter) And it tns out that you can solve this pblem by etching the image of a fly in the back of the inal.

翻译:(笑声) 事实证明,你只要在池上 蚀刻一个苍蝇形象, 就能解决这个问题。

