三星伴月用英语怎么说 三星伴月英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-05 17:41:33南巷浅唱

三星伴月通常被翻译为" THREE GUYS NAMED MIKE"意思,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到97个与三星伴月相关翻译和例句。

1. moon culminating stars( 伴月星)

2. it wasn't for me, so i gave you a three.

三星伴月用英语怎么说 三星伴月英语翻译

3. How did you come to be where we found you?

4. Yes, Samsung Life insance

5. Achieving three stars for his flag.

6. Samsung's bada, heard of it?

7. He said he used to bowl with the owner of Samsung.

8. Eis Shenn - the Dragon of ice, Eis Shenn, is Nova Shenn's bther.

9. Choi Choi, make it three, fo thirty.

10. And you can forget about that third star.

11. - i'm in line for a third star. - Oh, my God.

12. The bnze wares of Sanxingdui are big and unique; while those of Jinsha are of similar kinds but much aller size.


13. "Stepmom" was distbuted by Columbia Tstar Company.

14. Make mine brandy, Three Star.

15. i'm not se you'll keep yo three stars.
