goog是什么意思 goog的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-07 11:07:31闻枯

goog是什么意思 goog的中文翻译、读音、例句

'goog'是谷歌搜索引擎的简称,是全球最受欢迎的搜索引擎之一,主要用于搜索互联网上的各种信息。它可以通过输入关键词来获取相关的搜索结果,也可以进行图片、视频、新闻、地图等多种搜索。该词语的用法非常广泛,不仅会被用作名词,也会被用作动词,例如“我正在谷歌上搜索一些信息” “我可以谷歌这个问题”。


1. 英语:“I just Googled that and found out the answer.”


2. 法语:“Je vais Googler a et trouver une solution.”


3. 西班牙语:“Voy a Googlear eso y ver qu encuentro.”


4. 德语:“Ich werde das mal Googeln.”


5. 意大利语:“Ho cercato informazioni su Google.”


6. 俄语:“ .”


7. 波兰语:“Sprawd to na Google.”


8. 葡萄牙语:“Vou dar uma busca no Google para ver se encontro alguma informao.”


9. 韩语:“구글에서 정보를 검색해보세요.”






1. I searched for 'goog' on Google, but I couldn't find any relevant results. (我在Google上搜索了'goog',但是没有找到任何相关的结果。)

2. Maybe the person who wrote this meant to write 'good' instead of 'goog'. (也许写这篇文章的人意思是想写'good'而不是'goog'。)

goog在英语中代表"鸡蛋 、谷歌股价"的意思,其中文解释还有"鸡蛋"的意思,在线读音是[goog],goog在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到26个与goog相关的例句。



例句:Pierre Soulages Pierre Soulages is goog at use the tremble, move, bouncing lines and colors to organize the layout and construct atmosphere. (擅长用抖动跳跃的线条和色彩组织画面,营造气氛的彼埃尔。)


例句:Now you may be able to use Google Inc. (GOOG) to avoid the flu. (现在,你或许还能利用谷歌来避开流感。)


例句:The Harvard dropout has created one of the fastest-growing and arguably most innovative Internet companies since Google (GOOG). (这个哈佛退学生创建了Google之后增长最快也是最具创造力的公司之一。)


例句:That led to a boomlet of articles, blog posts, and anonymous commentary that spiked her search volume on Google (GOOG). (翻译:这个事情导致一些文章、博客、匿名评论铺天盖地地袭来,也造成了在谷歌上对她搜索量的统计不得不停止。)


1. The Harvard dropout has created one of the fastest-growing and arguably most innovative Internet companies since Google (GOOG). (翻译:这个哈佛退学生创建了Google之后增长最快也是最具创造力的公司之一。)

2. That led to a boomlet of articles, blog posts, and anonymous commentary that spiked her search volume on Google (GOOG). (翻译:这个事情导致一些文章、博客、匿名评论铺天盖地地袭来,也造成了在谷歌上对她搜索量的统计不得不停止。)

3. Goog into nominations today, I feel great. (翻译:我并没有这种感觉 但感觉就是这样 我不是想跟你作对)

4. Music Cloud lets you stream music from your library onto Apple (APPL) iOS, Google (GOOG) Android, and BlackBerry devices. (翻译:音乐云服务允许你把音乐从曲库传到苹果的IOS系统,谷歌的Android系统和黑莓设备。)

5. Announced on the Official Google Blog today, Google (GOOG) killed what many considered to be the next wave of Internet communications. (翻译:Google博客今日宣布处死GoogleWave,而此前它被许多人认为是网络通讯的又一。)
