silo是什么意思 silo的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-07 13:38:43傻丢丢

1. 词义:silo指的是一种用于储存谷物、干草等农产品的大型圆柱形结构。

silo是什么意思 silo的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 词性:名词

3. 词组搭配:

- silo storage 储粮仓库

- missile silo 发射井

- silo mentality 立场僵化

- silo effect 隔阂效应

4. 短语:

- fill the silo 填充储粮仓

- empty the silo 清空储粮仓

5. 发音拼写:['salo],注意第二个音节是长音节。


1. The farmers filled the silo with corn before the winter.


2. The missile silo was heavily guarded to prevent unauthorized access.


3. The company has a silo mentality and doesn't collaborate well across departments.


4. The silo effect is a problem in many organizations where communication between departments is r.


5. She misounced the word "silo" and said "sillo" instead.




1. The farmer put the grain in the silo. (农民把谷物放进了筒仓。)

2. The company built a new silo to store the chemicals. (公司建造了一个新的筒仓来储存化学品。)

3. The silo collapsed during the storm. (筒仓在风暴中倒塌了。)

4. The workers climbed to the top of the silo to inspect it. (工人们爬到筒仓顶部进行检查。)

5. We need to fill the silo with more feed for the animals. (我们需要给动物添加更多的饲料来填满筒仓。)

6. The silo has a capacity of 10,000 tons. (筒仓的容量为10,000吨。)

7. The company plans to install a conveyor belt to move materials from the silo to the factory. (公司计划安装一个输送带来将物料从筒仓运到工厂。)

8. The silo is made of steel and has a cylindrical shape. (筒仓由钢材制成,呈圆柱形。)

9. The workers wore protective gear when they emptied the silo. (工人们在清空筒仓时穿着防护装备。)




1. The farmer built a new silo to store his corn crop. (这位农民建造了一个新的筒仓来储存他的玉米收成。)

2. The silo was filled with wheat that would be used to make flour. (这个储存塔里装满了小麦,将用于制作面粉。)

3. They decided to store the hay in the silo to keep it dry. (他们决定把干草存放在筒仓里,以保持其干燥。)

silo在中文中有"筒仓 、西"的意思,作为名词时有"仓库"的意思,单词读音音标为['sailu],silo在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到43个与silo相关的例句。



例句:Why couldn't there just be a silo in the middle of a field with no one around? (崆 磴咪 娩 磉驿 轻阌舒馅 嬗? 轻娃?)


例句:Westmoreland reveals his secret, "the money's buried under a silo at the Double K Ranch, just outside of Tooele, Utah." (Westmoreland讲出了他的秘密,“那笔钱埋在犹他州Tooele市外的双k农场的一个地窖里。” )


例句:Governance is a growing topic across the enterprise and a portal is just one silo in an organization. (管理是企业不断发展的主题,而门户只是组织中的一个空间。)


例句:So lead with curiosity, emphasize discussion not debate, get out of your silo, because real connection across difference ... (翻译:所以以好奇为指引, 强调讨论而非争执, 避免坐井观天, 因为跨越分歧的真正连接—— )


silo一般作为名词、动词使用,如在digester silo(锅顶料仓)、ex silo(谷仓交货)、fence silo(围栏青贮搭)等常见短语中出现较多。

digester silo锅顶料仓
ex silo谷仓交货
fence silo围栏青贮搭
filler silo[建] 粉料仓
grain silo谷粮仓
horizontal silo青贮窑
information silo信息烟囱
interstice silo圆筒副仓
launching silo地上发射装置


1. Governance is a growing topic across the enterprise and a portal is just one silo in an organization. (翻译:管理是企业不断发展的主题,而门户只是组织中的一个空间。)

2. So lead with curiosity, emphasize discussion not debate, get out of your silo, because real connection across difference ... (翻译:所以以好奇为指引, 强调讨论而非争执, 避免坐井观天, 因为跨越分歧的真正连接—— )

3. The silo playes an important part in the grain storing, handling and processing. (翻译:筒仓在粮食储运及加工过程中有着极其重要的作用。)

4. Discussion on the Application of Supermacromolecular Polyethene Sheet Lined Silo (翻译:超高分子量聚乙烯板在贮仓内衬上的应用讨论)

5. When that critter's taken care of, you'll put your mark on the silo right next to mine. (翻译:你处理完那些野人之后 就可以在我的标记旁边印自己的了)

6. Simulation Research of Silo Venting System by Software CFX (翻译:利用CFX软件对料仓通风系统进行仿真研究)

7. And she said that I could make a thief in a silo laugh in the middle of our raging war. (翻译:她说我可以在我们肆虐的战争中 轻轻地笑一声。)

8. Because of its special shape, foundation under the silo is often designed round or circular. (翻译:由于筒仓体型特殊,常常会将仓下基础形状设计成圆形或环形。)

9. The principles of silo applications, namely inception, design, and implementation, cannot be directly applied to SOA. (翻译:顾名思义,竖井应用程序的原则和实现不能直接应用到SOA。)

10. Later we walked to an abandoned silo. (翻译:稍后我们步行到了一个废弃的筒仓。)

11. Accepting that silo marketing is ineffective. (翻译:接受筒仓营销并不奏效。)

12. It seemed to be taking advantage of the protection of the Silo, like a chick inside an egg. (翻译:看来它是用来保护青贮窖的,就好像蛋里面的小鸡。)

13. The construction organizer of the first double profiling bulk cement silo of China in Tianjin Hongqi Brickyard . (翻译:xx年天津红旗砖厂中国第一座螺旋咬边散装水泥钢板仓施工组织者。)

14. Will SOA lead to "silo services"? (翻译:SOA会导致“筒仓服务”吗? )

15. Peter, you can't keep leaving all your missiles in the silo. (翻译:Peter 你不能一直把留在发射井里)


