问题的答案用英语怎么说 问题的答案英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-07 15:20:31欛噵囡迋

问题答案英语可以这样说: answers to questions,其次还可以说成"answers to questions",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到99个与问题答案相关短语翻译和用法。

问题答案翻译为 the answer to the question。

He advocated anarchi as the answer to social pblems.

问题的答案用英语怎么说 问题的答案英语翻译

announce the answer ( 揭晓这个问题答案 )

To questions you don't understand ( 你未知问题答案 )

1. There's no answer to that question.

2. These challenges offer no easy answers.

3. That's definitely a valid question, and the answer would be yes.

4. And i couldn't fige out which it was.

5. To each question, a solution. To each solution, a question.

6. Yes, is the answer to yo question.

7. The answer to my chemistry pblem.

8. This information is also pretty staggeng.

9. The answer to yo question is fascinating.

10. When you fige out the answer to my question, then you'll have the answer to yos.

11. Here are some answers to yo questions:

12. The answers to the questions i asked him.

13. The answer to yo question is yes.

14. We can know the answer to this question.

15. And the answer to Black's pblem-
