ignoring是什么意思 ignoring的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-08 01:07:30ε未簖奶


1. 定义:ignore这个动词的意思是“忽视、不顾、无视”,通常是指故意不理睬或不考虑某个人或某些事情。在口语中,人们还喜欢使用缩写词“IG”来表示ignore。

ignoring是什么意思 ignoring的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 用法:ignore通常用作及物动词,后面通常接名词或代词作宾语,而IG则可以作为动词或名词使用。

3. 同义词:与ignore意思相近的单词有neglect、disregard、overlook等。

4. 反义词:与ignore意思相反的单词有notice、attend、heed等。

5. 例句:

(1)He ignored my question and kept talking about his own experience.(他无视了我的问题,继续讲他自己的经历。)

(2)I tried to get his attention, but he just ignored me.(我试图引起他的注意,但他却不理我。)

(3)Don't ignore the warning signs of stress.(不要忽视压力的警示信号。)

(4)She feels very hurt that her friends ignored her when she needed them the most.(她很伤心,因为在她最需要他们的时候,朋友们却无视了她。)

I didn't mean to IG your message,我不是故意忽略你的消息,我只是真的很忙。)





1. You are ignoring my warnings, and it will have serious consequences.


2. The company is ignoring customer feedback and their reputation has suffered as a result.


3. I can't believe he's ignoring my calls and messages. What did I do wrong?





例句:We can remain blind to it, but it will not be ignoring us, that I can promise you. (我们可以对它熟视无睹 但它不会忽视我们,我向你们保证)


例句:All right, you cannot develop Africa by ignoring the informal and the traditional sectors. (好,你要发展非洲,就不能无视 非地区和传统地区。)


例句:Whether not recognizing me or ignoring me, she just kept crying. (不知道是没认出我,还是不理我 她一直在哭)


例句:All right, you cannot develop Africa by ignoring the informal and the traditional sectors. (翻译:好,你要发展非洲,就不能无视 非地区和传统地区。)


ignoring一般作为动词使用,如在ignoring parents(漠视型父母)、ignoring residual value(不计残值)等常见短语中出现较多。

ignoring parents漠视型父母
ignoring residual value不计残值


1. Whether not recognizing me or ignoring me, she just kept crying. (翻译:不知道是没认出我,还是不理我 她一直在哭)

2. All right, you cannot develop Africa by ignoring the informal and the traditional sectors. (翻译:好,你要发展非洲,就不能无视 非地区和传统地区。)

3. France and Germany flouted the pact, ignoring threats of swingeing fines. (翻译:法国和德国公然藐视这条约,无视巨额罚款的威胁。)

4. We excessively seeked the essential justice while ignoring the procedural one in the past. (翻译:以往我们在刑事侦查中过分追求实质正义而忽略了程序正义。)

5. He is, like most theorists, out there in left field, ignoring the experimental evidence. (翻译:同大多数理论家一样,他也是个怪人,对实验得出的证据置之不理。)

6. Because if I'm sick, if it's me, they can keep ignoring me. (翻译:因为我生病 如果是我 他们就能继续无视我)

7. You're ignoring the fact this wasn't a normal body. (翻译:妈的 你在无视事实 者压根就不是一具普通的尸体)

8. Ignoring you like that, all high and mighty. (翻译:瞧他忽视你的那副趾高气扬的样子 Ignoring you like that, all high and mighty.)

9. And Lauren if you're here and you're just ignoring me. (翻译:还有Lauren如果你在的话而且还不理我的话)

10. And you are ignoring my son's case because of an american's daughter. (翻译:为了的女儿 你把我儿子的案子撂一边)

11. Ignoring what my sister Lucy says has enabled me to make it this far in life. (翻译:就是因为不听我姐姐露西那些话 Ignoring what my sister Lucy says 我才走得到今天 has enabled me to make it this far in life.)

12. Ignoring risk and focusing only on uncertainty is a distraction. (翻译:忽视风险而专注于不确定性 只会分散我们的注意力。)

13. Sheldon and your dad are bonding and completely ignoring me. (翻译:Sheldon和聊得很嗨 完全不鸟我)

14. Replace crosstab table with PivotTable report ignoring criteria range. (翻译:用数据表报表替换交叉表,忽略条件范围。)

15. Did you know that ignoring your feet in old age statistically brings on death? (翻译:知道吗 假如脚没有好好保养 根据统计数据你会早死)


