竖瞳用英语怎么说 竖瞳的英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-10 15:17:27作茧自缚

竖英语为"mydatic drugs",还可以翻译为ommatophora luminosa,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到75个与竖相关短语翻译和用法。

竖瞳用英语怎么说 竖瞳的英语翻译

1. Yes, the bars, they're moving.

2. She's the grave idol, Hanama Hitomi.

3. Well, it's a dry standpipe. There's also the wet standpipe.

4. - Hey, Billy? - Just like "pop, pop, pop, pop"!

5. Stupid contact lenses. Oh, yeah?

6. You se are strange, Hitomi.

7. He's giving us the finger.

8. So, that's what a standpipe is, huh?

9. - What, flipping someone off?

10. A nice castle here, A nice castle there
