荷枪用英语怎么说 荷枪的英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-19 17:23:18阿桔


1. in a real slum, with real bullets.

译文:荷枪实弹进贫民窟 It can't be learned only in theory.。

荷枪用英语怎么说 荷枪的英语翻译

2. The hangers-on, his posse, you know, they're all strapped or packing heat, whatr the phrase is.

3. - i don't know what you guys call it.

4. - But there are guards up there. Won't they be waiting for us with guns?

5. in fact, it is said, North idaho has gun dealers than gas stations.

6. There are men with guns in my fnt yard.

7. Lock and load and get the team port side.

8. And o armed men outside the vlt om.

9. There was one e very 10 yards, with a gun in the hand.

10. Johnnie, i ted. You know all they had to claim

译文:七个荷枪实弹警员对阵一个 There were sn of them with guns up against one mentally ill。

11. That gun-slinging, sharp-shooting honey-pie of the Wild West.

12. Tonight you'll be employing libe unds.

13. How come we need all these fellas ing' out?

14. i'm walking into a house with a loaded gun.

15. Tonight you'll be employing live unds.
