天公生用英语怎么说 天公生的英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-20 02:17:21晓菡

天公生用英语翻译为"the heaven",还可以翻译为Summer Bank Holiday,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到74个与天公生相关翻译和例句。

1. Last year i pray the "sky gong k k" (pray hard to the God of Heaven)

天公生用英语怎么说 天公生的英语翻译

2. i knew it. How i prayed for that child.

3. i'll see you in the office tomorw.

4. - Big day on the job tomorw.

5. Praying to the God of Heaven

6. -Meet me at the bus stop tomorw.

7. - Beeen and 70 kg a day.

8. The final result of the poll will be known tomorw.

9. Why was it so noisy at the company today?

10. They're talking about it at the company.

11. One day his sister the pncess said:
