thuglife是什么意思 thuglife的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-21 21:08:11北巷

thuglife是什么意思 thuglife的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词源解析: “thug” 指或,而 “life” 意为生活,指的是一种以暴力、强悍和野蛮为特征的生活方式。

2. 社会文化背景: “thuglife” 通过影响力广泛的说唱文化等媒介,成为黑人文化的一部分,也与贫困、社会压迫、种族歧视等社会现象有关。

3. 含义和用法: “thuglife” 用来形容那些具有野蛮、粗暴和嚣张特征的人生,通常与、帮派文化、犯罪、暴力等相关。

4. 正反态度: 对“thuglife”的态度因人而异。有些人将其视为勇气和可敬的表现,也有人认为它代表着暴力和犯罪行为,是不应该被宣扬的。

5. 对青少年教育的启示: 作为老师,我们应该对青少年进行教育和引导,引导他们认识到“thuglife”的负面影响,让他们了解社会现实和价值观的重要性。


1. His tattoo reads ‘thuglife’. (他的纹身写着“恶棍生活”。)

2. The rapper is known for singing about thug life. (这个说唱歌手以唱出“生活”而闻名。)

3. Some young people think living a thug life is cool. (有些年轻人认为过着“生活”很酷。)

4. She doesn't like the thug life and wants to leave the gang. (她不喜欢过着“生活”,想离开帮派。)

5. Let's not glorify the thug life, but instead encourage positive role models. (我们不应该美化“生活”,而是鼓励积极的榜样。)

thuglife的中文翻译为“生活”,读音为 [glif]。


Translation: He always lived a thuglife, a living through violence and crime.




例句:Till he came to life one day (Till he came To Life)


例句:♪ life is what you make it ♪ (『Life is what you make it』)


例句:Uncle Kanwar, that thug has entered our mansion... and you people are... (Kanwar叔叔,那个进了我们家... 你们每个人都...)


1. Uncle Kanwar, that thug has entered our mansion... and you people are... (翻译:Kanwar叔叔,那个进了我们家... 你们每个人都...)

2. % Thug misses know what I mean At the club, so fresh, so clean% (翻译:-我喜欢这首歌. *们都明了我的感受 吧台如此新鲜,如此引诱 *)

3. The only Serb he would deal with was Slobodan Milosevic, a "thug" he tolerated because he could be a thug himself. (翻译:他唯一愿意打交道的塞尔维亚人是斯洛博丹米洛舍维奇,他能够容忍这个“”是因为他自己本人也可能是一个。)

4. Are the animals enjoying life? (翻译:Are the animals enjoying life?)

5. Initially, I was hesitant to join a group referred to around the yard as "hug-a-thug." (翻译:起初,我犹豫要不要加入一个在狱中 被称为“拥抱”的组织。)

6. # Sew the wounds of your life # (翻译:# Sew the wounds of your life #)

7. A thug that works for rick carris named q-tip. (翻译:是个为Rick Carris跑腿的 名字叫做Q -tip)

8. Please do not repeat it. " " But, " said the Officer, still smiling, " it was a stuffed Thug. (翻译:“但是”,仍旧笑着说,“这个恶棍是个填充人偶。”)

9. I mean, a Russian thug and a German banker. (翻译:好吧 不管怎样 这到底是怎么回事 我的意思是 一个俄罗斯罪犯和一个德国银行家)

10. Did someone here order a fascist thug? (翻译:谁召唤来一个 {\3cH202020}Did someone here order a fascist thug?)

11. And speaking of life, I like life. (翻译:说到人生 我很喜欢人生 And speaking of life, I like life.)

12. thestreets,bringmeback a monotonous life ... amonotonouslife. (翻译:The streets bring me back a monotonous life a monotonous life)

13. Everyone in the Gang knows his top thug Yan is an undercover cop. (翻译:但最糟糕是所有和义盛里的人都知道 他身边的得力助手阿仁是卧底)

14. Like he was this thug. He wasn't that. (翻译:像他曾是个恶棍。他不是那样的人。)

15. --people put their faith in a murderous thug in a mask and a cape. (翻译:...而人们寄希望一个穿披风戴面具的刽子手)
