qrs是什么意思 qrs的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-22 19:02:10青尢


qrs是什么意思 qrs的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:QRS是心电图中表示心脏心跳的波形,也是某些企业或机构的缩写。

2. 发音:[kju r s]。

3. 意义:QRS可以用于分析心率及心律的状态,也可以作为某些机构的标识符。

4. 应用:QRS波可以帮助医生判断心脏的健康状况,用于诊断心脏疾病。某些企业或机构使用QRS作为品牌标识或产品名称。

5. 相关术语:QRS波有时也被称为QRS复合波。


1. The QRS complex is a waveform that indicates the contraction of the heart muscle.


2. The patient's ECG showed a prolonged QRS duration, indicating a possible heart block.


3. QRS is a new startup that specializes in creating innovative software solutions.


4. The QRS brand is known for its high-quality sports equipment.


5. The QRS scorecard is a tool used by business owners to track key performance metrics.




读音:[kiu : es]


1. The presence of a qrs wave on the electrocardiogram indicates that the heart is functioning normally. (心电图上的qrs波形存在表示心脏功能正常。)

2. It is important to monitor the qrs duration to detect any abnormalities in the heart's electrical activity. (监测qrs波的持续时间对于检测心脏电活动的异常非常重要。)




例句:The SQI had high-positive correlation with the QRS detective sensitivity and positive predictivity. (SQI与心电搏动检测灵敏度和正检测率呈高度正相关关系; )


例句:The article was the summary to diagnosis and differential diagnosis of wide QRS complex tachycardia. (现对宽QRS波群心动过速的诊断和鉴别诊断予以综述。)


例句:Objective: To investigate the significance of QRS score change during treadmill testing in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD). (前言:目的:探讨冠心病患者运动试验中QRS积分变化的意义。)


例句:and means for determining a size of an area under a QRS complex of the electrocardiogram. (翻译:和用于确定心电图的QRS复合波下的面积大小的装置。)


qrs一般作为名词使用,如在QRS complex([医] QRS复合波(心电图))、QRS deflection([医] QRS偏转, QRS复合波)、QRS loop(QRS环)等常见短语中出现较多。

QRS complex[医] QRS复合波(心电图)
QRS deflection[医] QRS偏转, QRS复合波
QRS loopQRS环
QRS vectorQRS向量
Qrs.[网络] 检测仪;质量评级系统(Quality Rating System);量子共振检测


1. Objective: To investigate the significance of QRS score change during treadmill testing in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD). (翻译:前言:目的:探讨冠心病患者运动试验中QRS积分变化的意义。)

2. and means for determining a size of an area under a QRS complex of the electrocardiogram. (翻译:和用于确定心电图的QRS复合波下的面积大小的装置。)

3. patients with either narrow or wide QRS complexes responded to CRT clinically and in terms of ventricular structure. (翻译:窄QRS波群和宽QRS波群患者行CRT后临床和心室结构方面均有改变。)

4. Extrasystole before the QRS complex and the starting point of VPB between the starting point of time, known as the coupling of time. (翻译:早搏前的QRS波群的开始点与室性早搏的开始点之间的时间,称为偶联时间。)

5. Anzemet causes a dose-dependant prolongation in the QT, PR, and QRS intervals on an electrocardiogram. (翻译:该药可引起通过心电图可见的QT、PR和QRS间期的一种剂量依赖性延长。)

6. Can you see it in the picture after the big rise of the QRS -- you see ST elevation? (翻译:你能看到的图片中QRS波ST段抬高的大幅度上涨么?)

7. Clinical value of localized right precordial QRS prolongation in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (翻译:致心律失常性右心室心肌病右胸导联QRS时间延长的临床意义)

8. Can you see it in the picture after the big rise of the QRS -- you see ST elevation? (翻译:你能看到的图片中QRS波ST段抬高的大幅度上涨么? )

9. Preferably, the means for determining the size of the area under the QRS complex of the electrocardiogram is either visual or quantitative. (翻译:优选地,用于确定心电图的QRS复合波下的面积大小的装置是可视性的或定量性。)

10. Objective To improve QRS complex detection rate. (翻译:目的有效提高QRS复合波的检测率。)

11. He had peaked T waves, then a widened QRS, then a sine wave rhythm... (翻译:他的心电图出现尖T波 然后QRS波群变宽 然后出现正弦波)

12. Application of Differential Wavelet in Detecting QRS Comp lexes of ECG Signal (翻译:二次微分小波在心电图QRS波检测中的应用)
