consisted是什么意思 consisted的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-22 21:35:24不讨喜



consisted是什么意思 consisted的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 'Consisted of'表示组成、构成的事物。例如:

The committee consisted of ten members. (委员会由十名成员组成。)

2. 'Consisted in'表示某一行为或动作。例如:

His success consisted in hard work and determination. (他的成功在于努力工作和决心。)

3. 'Consisted with'表示与某种观点或准则相符。例如:

My actions consisted with my beliefs. (我的行为符合我的信仰。)


1. The cake consisted of flour, sugar, eggs, and milk. (这个蛋糕由面粉、糖、鸡蛋和牛奶组成。)

2. The orchestra consisted of musicians from around the world. (这个管弦乐团由来自世界各地的音乐家组成。)

3. Her wardrobe consisted of elegant dresses and high heels. (她的衣橱里有优雅的礼服和高跟鞋。)

4. The success of the project consisted in the cooperation of all team members. (这个项目的成功在于所有团队成员的合作。)

5. His argument consisted with the principles of democracy. (他的论点符合原则。)



1. The committee consisted of ten members. (委员会由十名成员组成。)

2. The meal consisted of fish and vegetables. (这顿饭由鱼和蔬菜构成。)

3. His duties consisted mainly of answering phone calls and emails. (他的职责主要是回答电话和电子邮件。)

4. The company's workforce consisted primarily of young professionals. (该公司的劳动力主要由年轻专业人士组成。)

5. The team consisted of players from all over the world. (这个团队由来自世界各地的球员组成。)
