离间用英语怎么说 离间的英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-23 05:59:09婲謝夕顏﹏

离间英语是"dve a wedge beeen",在常中也可以翻译为" sowdiscordamong",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到95个与离间相关释义和例句。

离间用英语怎么说 离间的英语翻译

Separation off-contact gap ( 分离间隙 )

1. He goes to work dving a wedge beeen you and me.

2. Why are you undercutting me with yo wife?

3. You're going to break them up?

4. - i nr meant to come beeen you o.

5. Yo stay in isolation is over.

6. No, you're playing us against each other.

7. You just wouldn't know that becse

8. Got in there by stirng up these people, one against the other.

9. Listen, we cannot let them divide us, man.

10. Oh, i don't know, to a wedge beeen us.

11. The psoner that Officer Mavis had put into segregation last night...

12. if you think anyone's going to beli yo lies,you're wng.

13. Put him in Segregation. D Wing.

14. Tned Otto against Munson.

15. What happened to not letting House get to you?
