穷字草书用英语怎么说 穷字草书英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-23 10:17:10思容

穷字书用英语说"csiveness",在常中也可以翻译为"running hands",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到51个与穷字书相关翻译和例句。

1. When was the last time you wte csive?

2. Csive wting the symbol using "Guangzhou" , stretch free, stng sense of modern art.

穷字草书用英语怎么说 穷字草书英语翻译


3. And when that happens, the opportunities ...

4. Yu're really that pr? N.

5. One can also search his scbblings by subject.

6. The first of these in the field of botany were the herbals.

7. So were my parents, their parents before them.

8. We don't need to use those, i have my tip money ght here.

9. i know. We are poor... We are much poorer than you.

10. Well, we're not the chest of girls, you know.

11. You are just a poor tailor!

12. i realised that i was poor

13. " Regular scpt, as people " standing, " Semi-csive scpt like the person " go, " csive is like people " to run.
