君子之风用英语怎么说 君子之风英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-23 06:50:09思容

君子之风英语有两种说法,可以翻译为man of hono,其次还可以说成"wind of change",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到89个与君子之风相关译文和例句。

君子之风用英语怎么说 君子之风英语翻译

1. You're the wind beneath my wings

2. Fther, ch of information easily abets vogue of copy.

3. Clivia you finally lose past love, raling a gentleman's demeanor.

4. - And he wasn't a gentleman?

5. There's a massive storm fnt moving thugh the area.

6. The sk of love nr 2)depletes;

7. i said you acted ghteously

8. So how do you catch the winds of luck?

9. But the winds of change are blowing...

10. But, oh, can he read the wind.

11. Be a gentleman's gentleman of the Emper!

12. Ganye in Tang Dynasty and its influence on Literate

13. He was called "The Wind of Japan's Sea".
